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Popular Favorite Foods That Americans Prefer

America doesn't disappoint gastronomically and offers some constant preferences that have remained a favorite for many generations.

Popular Favorite Foods That Americans Prefer

The food in the USA is a mix of different influences from the entire world, so it is harder to define a particular dish that is fully representative, as it is sushi for Japan and pizza for Italy. But things are clearer when you ask Americans about their absolute favorite options, as they will have similar answers. And it is not a secret that burgers or French fries are among the first options of Americans, and we can understand why. Food also depends on the region, but you will find amazing restaurants with the best chefs worldwide everywhere in the USA. This is why America doesn't disappoint gastronomically and offers Americans plenty of food alternatives. Still, they have some constant preferences that remain a favorite for many generations. So, let's find out what food Americans prefer the most.


Few foods are as iconic worldwide as the humble hamburger, which people from all around the globe enjoy, especially Americans. For this, we have to thank Louis Lassen and his restaurant Louis' Launch, which is recognized as the hamburgers' birthplace. The story doesn't have an extraordinary plot, but it was created as something rational to reduce the waste produced. This is why, when Louis Lassen served steak sandwiches to workers in 1895, he didn't want to throw the extra beef, so he came up with the idea to ground it up, grill it, and serve it to clients between bread. This is how the concept of hamburger was born. The restaurant still exists in New Haven, and Louis' great-grandson runs it, so you can check it out if you want to try something from the place that invented hamburgers.


Is there something more representative of America than a hamburger? Yes, probably a cheeseburger, as Americans also love this option. Although it sounds hard to believe, the classic cheeseburger was born as a mistake in the late 1920s, when an inexperienced chef accidentally burned a burger and tried to hide the error by placing some cheese above. Now, cheeseburgers are found everywhere in the world and even made at home. So, you can also try a recipe in your house to get a taste of the iconic American cheeseburger. You just need the right ingredients and patience. But try not to create a mess in your cooking space, especially if you have a gloss white kitchen. In this way, we assure you that you will have a finger-licking dinner you will remember for a long time.

French Fries

An average American eats approximately 48 pounds of French fries yearly, so you can see why this food is so liked in the USA. But surprisingly, Americans are not the ones who eat the most fries, as the Belgium people beat them with 165 pounds of fries each year. French fries have appeared for a long period, more than 200 years, in Belgium, and not in France, as the name suggests. However, Americans were the ones who made popular French fries eaten with ketchup, and the trend hit all restaurants in America in the 1940s.

Apple Pie

The saying It's as American as apple pie doesn't exist for nothing but to prove that this food is a favorite option among the citizens of the USA. Apple pie became the most-liked dessert in America centuries ago but remains one of the most popular food options until today. The apple pie must have some crucial elements to be truly excellent, such as the buttery crust, the perfect amount of sugar, and the most important ingredient, apples. Apple pies are believed to have appeared in the United States in 1789, a long period before they became popular in England, so this dessert is a truly American representative food.

Macaroni and Cheese

Nowadays, macaroni and cheese is a food that everyone loves as it is delicious, and many people order this plate when going to a restaurant. This is why chefs are using fun-shaped noodles, multiple cheeses and oodles of cream to create the perfect version of this food. Although today it is a very famous dish, it has humble beginnings. Macaroni and cheese was popularized by the enslaved chef James Hemings in the 20th century and soon became a go-to dinner as it had cost-effective ingredients and was very easy to prepare.


National Doughnut Day is on June 7, but Americans believe this desert is worth celebrating all year round. There are a lot of places in the USA that sell donuts, like Dunkin', which has more than 8,500 locations. The American doughnut is doughty, dense and delicious, and comes glazed and filled with cream, custard or jam.

Chicken Wings

Americans love chicken wings, proving this with any occasion, including at big events. For example, according to the National Chicken Council, Americans consumed around 1.42 billion wings during the Super Bowl. And to give you an idea of how many wings this is, you could circle the Earth three times with them if you wanted to. Also, now Americans have another option, like opting for boneless chicken, which has become more popular. This is because they offer the same flavor but are easier to eat and create less mess.

The best way to experience a country's culture is with food, so you must try the staple representatives of American cuisine. The food in the USA is a mix of several countries, so you will have many alternatives here. Also, in the USA, you will find the best restaurants worldwide with some of the most talented chefs. Not only does the food in America taste amazing, but it also has an interesting story behind it, such was the case with the iconic hamburger and cheeseburger or with mac' n' cheese. The deserts from here are also delicious, and you need to try the yummy apple pie or a doughnut from the many locations that sell them.


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