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Protect Your Online Privacy and Security

By following a few simple steps, you can protect your privacy and reduce the amount of information that businesses collect about you online.

Protect Your Online Privacy and Security

From shopping online to getting groceries and performing digital transactions via bank applications, most of the things we do require an internet connection. However, with such heavy usage, there comes an even greater risk of people becoming victims of cybercrimes. You hear more than ever about online privacy these days, and not just in the news. Governments, tech giants, and people, in general, are all quite concerned about privacy, even if they frequently have different definitions of what it entails. For most people knowing how to protect your privacy online is a priceless skill and getting a credible connection such as Optimum internet plans is not always enough. By following a few simple steps, you can protect your privacy, keep the security of your identity, and reduce the amount of information that businesses collect about you online. Consider these tips by cybersecurity experts that you need to keep in mind if you want to have a safe and secure online browsing experience.

Avoid Oversharing on Social Media

The best defense against cybercrimes is to divulge as less personal information as possible. Social networks are the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to information sharing, and that is a great place to start. Geotagged postings, images of you or your loved ones, and any other information you would not want the whole public to know about should all be handled with extreme care. Oversharing on social media is a problem that many people encounter these days regularly. If your social media accounts are public, which means that anyone with internet access can view your posts, this is extremely crucial. Keep your social media accounts private and limit who can view your stuff on them to people you know. By using this method, you considerably reduce the chance that your personal information may be misused if you mistakenly divulge it. In addition to social media websites, almost all apps also keep track of your activity, but they rarely safeguard your data the way you may expect.

Create Strong and Unique Passwords

When selecting a password, stay away from words or numbers that are simple for hackers to decode, like your birthday. Make sure that your password has components such as symbols or special characters, numbers, letters or alphabets in both lowercase and uppercase. It is also advised that you keep periodically switching them up and do not keep the same password for more than a couple of months. Additionally, it's not a good idea to use the same password across multiple websites; a password manager tool can help you keep track of your passwords. However, if your device does not lock automatically, hackers may still be able to defeat even a strong password. To put it another way, make sure the device prompts for the password once more as quickly as possible after you turn it off or turn on your screen saver.

Avoid Browsing on Unsecure Sites

Before entering any sensitive data on a website, make sure that it has an SSL certificate. By entering the website's address into your browser's search box, you may quickly learn more. Check to see if the URL starts with HTTPS, a green padlock icon, or a green bar. You can also check the website's privacy policy, contact the webmaster, or look for a verified seal from internet security companies to see if the website is secure.

Keep your System Up-to-Date

In your system, hackers are continuously seeking weaknesses. By taking advantage of operating systems or other software faults, they will insert malicious code to compromise security. To prevent hackers from breaking into your system, software engineers fortunately continually check their code for security holes and instantly fix them. Because of this, regular operating system updates are necessary for the security of your website. The fact that previously known vulnerabilities are fixed by updating your operating system, hackers will need to start looking for potential security gaps in your operating system all over again.

Online data protection is more important than ever since hackers are becoming more relentless in their search for security holes in websites and social media accounts. If you want to add extra protection with anti-virus or malware that complements your Optimum internet connection, contact Optimum customer service so you can get better guidance. The provider offers an advanced security suite that automates the entire security process and grants you great peace of mind regarding your and your family's online security.


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