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4 Great Reasons to Keep a Travel Journal

If you enjoy your travel experience, having a travel journal can hlp you recall details and key moments along the way.

4 Great Reasons to Keep a Travel Journal

Traveling creates memories, as it opens you up to new experiences, exposing you to different cultures and allowing you to explore new and exciting places. And while you'll love to remember every aspect of your trip, your memory can fail you sometimes. That is why many people choose to take pictures. A study shows that people who take pictures are 40% more likely to remember their trips better. But that's only 40%. If you enjoy your travel experience, you want to remember 100% of your experience. And that's where having a travel journal comes in. Here are four reasons why you should keep a travel journal.

Become a Great Resource

You can use your travel journal as a great resource or log for your travel adventure. For instance, if you visit a new city and spot the best places to eat good food for less money, you can document that in your travel journal. So if friends, colleagues, or family need to find excellent but cheap places to eat in that location, you can become a great resource for them. You can even compile all your journal entries and use them as content for a travel blog.

Encourage Reflection and Self-Discovery

A travel journal can also help you reflect on your travel experiences and better understand yourself. When you keep a travel journal, you document not just the places you go and your activities but also your thoughts, feelings, mood, and so on. You note what upset you and why, what excited you, and what you hated, among others. That will give you insight into your emotions and help you understand what triggers you. You'll even learn how best to react to events upon reflection and hindsight and have a better appreciation of the person you're becoming as well as your travel journey.

Save Every Tiny Memory

Nothing escapes you when you keep a travel memory, as you can recollect even the tiniest details. Memory fades over time, and some details of a travel experience are lost by the time you get home. But when you keep a travel journal, you can remember every event for years and even relive them as many times as you want. Photographs and videos will capture colors, movement, and impressions in detail that will remain with you, ensuring that your appreciation of your experience does not fade. With a journal, you have a safe place to record all memories, covering all your senses, including touch, smell, and taste.

Bring Out Your Creativity

Most people don't notice how creative they are until they start journaling. Keeping a travel journal is a wonderful way to discover your inner creativity. For example, you can combine sketching, writing notes, and drawing to create a visual representation of your trip with the help of journaling solutions like Sketch Noting. And you don't even have to be an artist or talented writer. All you need is a little practice. Maybe you're heading for an adventure and asking yourself, how will I be sketch noting the best moments of my adventure trip? You'll find various digital diary platforms allowing you to do just that.


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