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Tips for Visitors Traveling to Antarctica

With beautifully unique scenery, pristine nature, and distinctive wildlife, Antarctica is like no other place on Earth.

Tips for Visitors Traveling to Antarctica

Antarctica is certainly not the most common choice for a vacation, as people are typically looking for something warmer, less demanding, and more relaxing. However, the beauty that captures your heart and mind, the pristine nature, and the distinctive wildlife will definitely make up for all the efforts you make while preparing for the trip. Antarctica is like no other place on Earth, its uniqueness and charm will go far beyond your expectations. Those who are into nature-watching and feeling the world around them should take the chance and explore this end of the world.

When exploring the options of a cruise to Antarctica, it is worth booking the place in small liners, with a maximum of 100 people. The reason is quite simple—according to the rules, not more than 100 people can disembark in Antarctica simultaneously. Therefore, when there are more than 100 tourists, they are obliged to take shifts, which means less time for exploration. The trips typically take six and more days, otherwise, the trip will not make sense, as you will spend more time getting to and from the starting point of the trip. As long as Antarctica with its nature is pristine and untouched, there is an Antarctic Treaty System, which aims to preserve the environment of the continent. Everyone who is willing to travel to the land of ice is supposed to get acquainted with the Protocol of Environmental Protection and its main principles. Apart from saving the place from damaging human influence, it can save the lives of tourists as well.

Keep in mind, however, these guidelines to remember while in Antarctica.

There Are No Assigned Rescuers

The cruise liner companies do everything to ensure your safety on the land of ice and they always explain life-saving rules while on the continent. However, there are always people who want to look at something else, as it takes only a minute or two, or maybe five because the photos are not perfect, and then, the group is gone. It is so easy to get lost, especially if the weather changes instantly, not leaving any chance for rescuers to come and help you. Therefore, don't ignore the rules of grouping. Be with people all the time, a trip to Antarctica isn't the best place to show stubbornness.

If You Want to Smoke, Collect the Ash

Antarctica is a place of purity, hence, the biggest part of the rules are implemented aiming to protect the place from pollution. Those who have a habit of smoking should be aware that every tiny drop of ash must be collected and preserved, till the moment they reach the land to get rid of it.

Do Not Take Mementos

The majority of tourists are keen collectors of mementos as they are so-called proof of really being there—feathers, stones, fossils, eggs, etc. While it may be acceptable with on-land places of interest (and the rocks are brought for the tourists to take), Antarctica doesn't allow such things. Remember, you are just an observer. Grab a camera, take a shot, and move on with the groups. Besides, all man-made things may be part of scientific types of equipment, as they are the only people living there.

Don't Step on Lichen and Moss

Probably, in the area where you live moss and lichen are like garden or forest weeds. However, in Antarctica, they are an essential part of the whole ecosystem. The weather conditions there are not very comfortable for plant life, with six months of constant darkness, and even -20 degrees in summer. It takes years for all these tender branches to develop withstanding the climate, and it takes seconds to ruin them with one single step.

Keep Your Distance From Animals

Penguins are definitely cuties, but they are animals. Everyone is supposed to keep their distance, and not try to feed them. Besides, when walking on the grass, beware of the eggs that may be laid there. Whales and dolphins are great for observation, but not more. Don't try to get closer to them, or attract their attention somehow, leave all the living creatures in peace and quiet. As a rule, the interaction with wildlife starts at least two meters away unless they want to approach you.

Don't Disrupt the Working Sites

There are quite a few scattered sites in Antarctica with abandoned hut-like houses that were once used by scientists. For ordinary tourists that is a place of interest to explore; but for the scientist, it's a safe place to hide in case of emergencies like blizzards. Currently-working sites should also be just observed without intrusion or questioning.

These rules may seem weird and obvious, however, they are all backed up by specific accidents. From the moment you start booking the tickets, remember that you are a guest, the one who observes and soaks in all the wonders around. Your brain and camera will help you capture the most memorable trip of your life. And the best thing you can do is to do nothing but walk, watch, and enjoy the silence and beauty of the icy world.


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