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First Date Ideas and Strategies

Even if events and venues are in a constant state of flux, consider these facts and practices that couples should know about.

First Date Ideas and Strategies

Some social customs always remain the same. That's the case with first dates. Even if events, conversation topics, the cost of attending movies, and the best restaurants are in a constant state of flux, there are a few unchangeable facts and practices that couples should know about. Simple is usually better, particularly for first dates, and if you plan to cover the cost for your guest, deal with personal finances before embarking on a potentially long-term relationship.

Some of the most creative ideas include no frills outings, like taking a stroll through a local park to feed ducks and enjoy views of the pond. Other possibilities are attending a traditional opera production for a tantalizing night out, taking an interesting day trip on the weekend, or booking seats at a family friendly comedy show. Here are a few first date suggestions to get started.

Deal with Finances First

It makes good sense to get personal finances in order, especially if your intention is to begin a serious relationship. But, even before the first date, consider applying for a personal loan to cover the cost of weekend outings, show tickets, day trips, and more costly events. If you have budget shortfalls, don't let it throw you off your social game. Get off on the right foot by reviewing a plain language guide that discusses all the key points about personal loans, what they are, how they work, and when it's smart to apply for one.

Take a Day Trip

Day trips are the mainstay of the first date universe. Not only are they a cost-efficient solution to otherwise pricey travel, but there are no pressures associated with staying overnight. Couples who live in large metro areas can easily prepare for a quick road trip and have plenty of options, including lakeside picnics, mountain hikes, trail jogging, canoeing, skiing, and more. In most cases, even those who reside in medium-sized towns can find excellent activity possibilities within an hour's drive from home.

Go Old School with Opera

Opera tickets are notoriously costly, but for first-time social outings, music is an ideal option. It's possible to save about 25% by paying a month or more in advance, so contact local production companies to get specifics about offers and discounts. Then, do yourself a favor by researching the specific opera title before attending. Most classic operas are in either German or Italian, so it's wise to get familiar with the plot and other details by reading an online summary.

See a Clean Comedy Show

One of the most popular live forms of entertainment in the 2020s is clean comedy. Many patrons have grown tired of adult themed comedy shows and prefer family-oriented productions that are appropriate for all ages. These types of offerings make ideal first date outings. Not only are prices modest, but there are no uncomfortable moments for first-time dating couples to endure.

Contact local entertainment clubs and ask about G-rated or clean comedians who perform in local venues. Then, book a ticket in advance to save about 25% of the at the door price of admission. Keep in mind that many showcases mix clean and adult-themed performers on the same bill, so it's important to request all clean shows when you call or book online.


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