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Contribute More to Your Team and Boost Your Career

Building relationships in the workplace can be a challenge, but you can boost career prospects and earn respect with a proactive approach.

Contribute More to Your Team and Boost Your Career

It always pays to contribute more to your team at work. But building relationships when in your workplace can be a challenge. Maybe you are shy, or you don't feel valued. These are common. Yet you can boost your career prospects and earn more respect with a proactive approach.

Learn to Communicate Effectively

No matter if you are a subordinate, a boss, or a manager, it helps to be friendly and easy to talk to. This means you need to keep the lines of conversation open with your team and pay attention to what they have to say. Some people find it easy to do this. But relationship coaches can also be helpful. Your company may also send you to management or communication training so you can deal with coworkers and staff better. It is said, communication is key.

Contribute More to Your Team with the Initiative

Almost everyone works for someone else. So, no matter what your job is, there are times when you need to step up and take charge. So, don't wait around for someone else to start. Show what you can do and be proactive by solving problems and coming up with new ideas. Then, tell your team or boss about your ideas and explain why you think they could be useful. If your idea is chosen, make sure to follow through with your plans so everyone can finish the job.

Be More Hands-On with Work Issues

It's one thing to take the lead. But it's a whole different thing to think about possible problems and take steps to stop them from happening. But you can do this if you keep your ear to the ground and take charge of your job. One good idea is to look at projects that have already been done and figure out what went well and what didn't. This lets you see where you can make changes. Your team can give you comments and data that you can use to test your ideas.

Share Your Knowledge and Support Others

When you help your team members learn and grow by sharing your knowledge and skills, everyone benefits. Starting this can be hard, but here are some ways to get going:

  • Offer to help people who may need help in areas where you have knowledge.
  • Help people on your team who are gaining new skills.
  • Offer to teach people on your team how to use new tools, methods, or skills.
  • Encourage people on your team to ask questions and ask for help.
  • Set a good example by learning and improving all the time.

You don't have to be a boss to help other people at work. Even if it's not your main job, helping other people is a good way to show off your skills and experience, so you can grow at work.

Don't be Afraid to Collaborate with Colleagues

You might think teamwork is a new idea if you look at how often we use apps to work from home. One study, though, found that more than half of workers think their jobs, whether online or not, depend on how well they work with others. So you have to work closely with the other people on your team and be willing to work together on projects and tasks. To work well with your team, build trust by being reliable, communicate clearly, and be open to comments.

Organization will Contribute More to Your Team

You probably already know that being organized pays off. Make sure you keep track of your tasks and goals at work. And make sure you meet or go above and beyond what you're paid for. If you find it hard to stay organized, start by making goals that are clear, measurable, and doable. You can do this with the help of a simple calendar and by putting chores in order of importance. Also, work on one thing at a time and break up bigger jobs into smaller steps.

Do What it Takes to Improve Your Skills

Even if you are an expert at what you do, you are always learning. As fields change, there is always something new to learn in most jobs. This means there are always chances to learn new things and get better at what you already know. And then, you can share what you've learned with the rest of your team. For some jobs, like IT, training classes, workshops, and conferences are also helpful. Then you can help some of your team members with less experience.


When you take actionable steps to contribute more to your team, everyone wins. You can help your company, colleagues, and, ultimately, your own career by being more hands-on. To do this, learn to communicate, try to support others at work, and continuously improve your own skills.


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