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Tips for Crossing an International Border

The process is usually quick and simple; but difficulties and delays can sometimes arise, and often passengers themselves are to blame.

Tips for Crossing an International Border

Passport control and communication with border guards are necessary for any international trip. Usually, this process is quick and simple, but it can turn into delays and difficulties, and often the passengers themselves are to blame for the delay. So, how to behave in control, and how to prepare to make everything go smoothly? Such questions are asked by every person who is faced with such a need. This article provides basic recommendations.

Prepare in Advance

It is essential to make sure in advance that you have no outstanding loans or unpaid bills. It is necessary to make sure that the necessary documents are available for traveling with minor children. You will also need certificates from veterinary and phytosanitary services to transport pets and plants. Sometimes you may need a certified medical report on the need to use certain medications for certain categories of citizens to exclude possible issues related to their availability. Do not forget to prepare a photocopy of your passport, putting it separately. It can be useful to you in case of loss of the main documents. When preparing for a trip, it is advisable not to pack open food together with other things, as this may alert four-legged customs assistants.

No Need to Fuss and Twitch

Keep calm, restrained, and correct. Strong excitement, fuss, and nervousness will alert the employee, and this, in turn, will lead to a more attentive and long check. Remember that the employees are just doing their job, they have no goal to catch you in something, so there is no reason to worry.

Do Not Make a Scandal and Do Not Refuse Requests

Almost all over the world, it is customary to remove hats, sunglasses, and ordinary glasses at the border, and remove hair from the face, in some countries they may even ask to show their ears. All this is done not to restrict the personal freedoms of travelers, but to speed up the identification of an individual. Very often, photos of documents are unsuccessful, which causes certain difficulties for customs officers. To avoid it use the Walgreens passport picture option. There is only one piece of advice here: clearly and quickly fulfill the requirements, and it is better to remove all unnecessary things yourself in advance. Any conflicts will lead to the fact the procedure will be delayed.

Answer the Questions and Don't Joke

A border guard officer can ask different questions—from quite obvious ones (the purpose of the trip, when to return, etc.) to unexpected ones (how will you get to the hotel, whether you plan to move between cities). They should be answered honestly and briefly, and in no case should you joke, no matter how much you want to—especially in a foreign language that you don't know the best way.

Do Not Slow Down with Documents

You need to approach the window already with all the documents in your hands. We are talking not only about a passport and a boarding pass but also about additional papers that may be required—a return ticket, a hotel reservation, and medical insurance.

Follow the Inscriptions Above the Racks

In many airports, especially large ones, the counters are divided into two categories—for residents and citizens of other countries. Those who get in the wrong queue will then have to stand again already to the right window. In addition, you need to go to the check alone, except for members of the same family with young children.

Do Not Take Photos

Everything is simple and without exceptions: all over the world, a border control zone is a place where nothing can be photographed. Therefore, it is better to take the first selfies for Instagram from the road trip after passing all the formalities. Failure to comply with this rule threatens to confiscate the equipment.

Follow the Children

For those who travel with children, it is important to explain in advance to the kids that they need to stand still, not be shy, not be sulky and answer questions honestly. The main thing is that children should confidently say that their mom or dad is with them.

Carefully Fill Out the Customs Declaration

It is necessary to pay attention to filling out the customs declaration. If there are questions that you do not know how to answer, ask for the help of official employees. When the completed declaration is on the customs officer's desk, it will be impossible to change its content. If there is no certainty about the need to present any items for inspection, it is best to present them. Concealment may cause the additional inspection of all baggage, and, possibly, an extreme measure—a personal search. We must try to keep this document until we return to our homeland.

If in Doubt, Follow the 'Red' Corridor

Customs officers recommend that in case of doubt whether the goods are subject to declaration, follow the 'red' corridor and still submit it. This is explained by the fact that by choosing a 'green' corridor, a citizen declares the absence of goods subject to a written declaration. And if it does turn out to be, in this case, the traveler may well be brought to administrative responsibility. It is easy to avoid this if you know and follow the law.

Remember Who the Customs Officers Pay Attention to First of All

What do customs officers immediately pay attention to, and for what reason can you be a suspect?

  1. Excessive fuss with the bag;
  2. frequent rubbing of the palms;
  3. too harsh and frowning;
  4. crossed arms and legs;
  5. strange behavior and harsh answers to questions from customs officers;
  6. no luggage or strange contents.

All these tips on how to behave at customs can help to get the "go-ahead" to overcome border borders, without clouding the journey with unpleasant impressions from customs.


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