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Increase Your Enjoyment of Baseball Even More

In addition to experiencing a live game at a ballpark, there are numerous ways to increase your enjoyment of baseball.

Increase Your Enjoyment of Baseball Even More

Baseball likely has origins dating back to the early 1800s, and in 1876 the MLB was established. It is said to be the first major professional sports league anywhere in the world, even older than the football, or soccer, league in England. Despite this, baseball's popularity has dipped, and the crowds at live games have been getting smaller over the last ten years. One 2021 poll conducted by the Washington Post found that only 11% of people put baseball as their favorite sport. American football was chosen by 34% of the respondents. Yet, millions of fans across the world still watch both the MLB and their local professional leagues.

What is the state of modern baseball today?

MLB isn't just the oldest professional league in the world, it is also one of the most popular. The average attendance in 2021 for Major League games was 26,808. Yet, from 2009 to 2017, the average crowd was over 30,000, so there is clearly some decline. However, this doesn't necessarily mean baseball is less popular. Millions of people are still attending games, it is just that there are other ways to watch the sport now. 2.6 million people watch MLB on TV in 2018, and there is also live streaming to consider, and replays.

The likely reason that attendance has dropped is the sheer number of games that make up a season. There are 162 games in a baseball season to increase revenue for the league and the clubs. Yet, with the cost of living crisis, following a team to every game is unlikely to be a priority. One way to increase enjoyment when going to baseball games is knowing what to bring. Binoculars, sunscreen, and of course, your team's jersey, will enhance the experience. And, there are many other ways to carry on not only enjoying baseball but perhaps making it even more fun. Here are some suggestions.

Use streaming channels

One reason why fewer people are attending is the convenience of watching games online. In 2018, 1.2 million people watched MLB online, and in 2021, 1.34 billion minutes of baseball were enjoyed by fans. If you can't travel to your team's games, then the internet can help. Especially if you are on vacation, or live overseas.

Make the game part of a romantic road trip

Why not prepare for a short road trip, and take your partner on an extended date? Research restaurants, and spas, check out the possible games coming up and incorporate a coastal drive to a luxury resort or hotel.

Play the sport yourself

Watching any sport can be enjoyable, and when it's your team there will always be more interest. But, for some, nothing beats actually participating. Baseball is accessible, and there are plenty of options for most individuals. School teams, Sunday leagues, and leagues for more senior players are out there. Baseball is social, and playing sports can boost self-esteem. You'll learn to improve baseball hitting power from fellow players, and make new friends.

Bone up on the rules

If you're planning to play the game, or if you're a bit of a newbie to the sport, then look up the official baseball rules. Understanding any sport makes it far more enjoyable than wondering what on Earth is going on.

Attend a baseball game as part of a date night

Unlike some sports, baseball doesn't get too rowdy so it suits being part of a date night. If you're at the beginning of a relationship and a little shy then you'll find that you won't need to worry about keeping the conversation constantly flowing. The teams will provide entertainment. But, the crowd noise won't drown you out when you want to talk with your date. One thing though, baseball games last over 3 hours at times, so best check your intended date has some interest in the sport.

Coach Little League baseball

If you're not so keen on actually playing, or if you have a child with a keen interest in baseball, you could coach. There are many benefits to playing sports, but coaching also improves certain skills such as leadership abilities.

Don't just stick to the major league teams

You can follow local teams, watch minor leagues, or broaden your horizons with college baseball. Some of the best MLB players came from college baseball. Every year the Cy Young award is given to the season's outstanding pitcher, many of whom played college baseball. The MLB is great entertainment, but it isn't the only way to enjoy baseball.


Get your friends round, cook up a BBQ, and put on the World Series. Go on a date. Coach a local Little League team. There are numerous ways to increase the enjoyment of baseball. However, don't forget to try and squeeze in a live game sometime. There is no way to match the atmosphere of live sports through TV or the net, but you can certainly enjoy the game those ways too.


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