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What You Need to Know About Disney's Magic Keys

The main purpose of these annual passes is to offer visitors a series of perks for the duration of their visit.

What You Need to Know About Disney's Magic Keys

Disneyland's Magic Key program is a step above what used to be the Disneyland Resort annual pass, which was retired in 2021. Its main purpose is to offer visitors a series of perks for the duration of their visit. And, to make sure everyone is included, there are four levels of Magic Key passes, which offer different benefits so you can choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and budget. Starting with various discounts on merchandise, dining, the Genie+ program, and parking and ending with perks when making reservations, the keys can be truly magical for your wallet and your nerves. But which key should you buy and from where? Or should you even consider buying a key? If you're a bit confused about this system, we've got your back! In today's article, we'll do a quick presentation of the keys and talk about how to decide which is best for you.

The Four Magical Keys to the Kingdom

If you want to try the complete Disneyland experience, you must stay overnight at one of the three hotels on the grounds. Also, you may want to try the spa (it's one of the best in the area) and maybe a unique dining experience with one of the characters. When you get to try the whole package, it's like redefining your travel perspective in order to make it more enjoyable. Suddenly, Disneyland won't be about long lines and noisy children; instead, you'll see the pleasant side that comes with top services, fun experiences, and plenty of spaces for relaxation.

So, why are there four keys, and which doors do they unlock? Most of the perks are similar to what you'd get with the old Annual Pass program, but it differs the level. For instance, with the most expensive key, you get the most discounts and priorities, and things go down from there. Still, the one major difference is that with the Magic Keys, you have to make reservations for the theme parks in advance. Also, you need the Disneyland app since your key is stored electronically on your phone. This aspect is important since you may run into trouble if you print the code for the key and try to use the printed version—some locations don't accept this.

The keys are as follows:

  • Inspire
  • Believe
  • Enchant
  • Imagine

The prices range from $400+ (for the Imagine Key) to $1500+ (for the Inspire key), and each comes with a series of perks and discounts that you can learn more about in the Disneyland Magic Key Program in-depth guide.

Should I Get a Magic Key?

Considering the financial investment, it's only natural to wonder if these passes are worth it. And the answer is it depends. If you're a frequent visitor and have a flexible schedule, it makes sense to take at least the less expensive key. This will bring in some significant savings and easy access to most attractions. However, if you want access to the parks on any given day, including weekends and holidays, you will need the top-tier key, which is quite pricey. In short, if regular tickets will cost you more, then a Magic Key may be the best option for you.

In Summary

Magic Keys are annual passes that work well for people who like to visit Disneyland as often as possible. However, given there are four tiers of passes, it's a good idea to sit back and plan your visits for the entire year. This way, you'll know how often you want to drop by and when, so it's easier to know which of the Magic Keys fit your needs best.


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