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5 Creative Ways to Stay Physically Active

Spending time outdoors is a great option if you're exploring motivating ways to stay physically active.

5 Creative Ways to Stay Physically Active

Exercising is a great way to maintain a healthy lifestyle and provides many benefits, including improving moods, boosting sleep, and reducing stress. However, knowing where to start can be challenging, with research revealing that only 22% of Americans exercise. It's all about identifying what works best for you, as what may be effective for others may not yield the same results. Spending time outdoors is a great option if you're exploring motivating ways to stay physically active. Below are some suggestions for fun outdoor sports and leisure pursuits to get you moving more.

Scuba Diving

Recreational scuba diving is a great way to stay active, regardless of age or gender. It's also a favorite, with many people adding it to their bucket list of fun things to do. It's the perfect blend of engaging while not too taxing on the body. It also gives you a great opportunity to explore and appreciate nature underwater. You don't need to wait till vacation or have too much experience to get started. However, it's best to do this activity with a diving buddy and wear your safety gear to prevent injury.


Golf is an interesting sport that keeps you active and, more often than not, helps you build a strong network of like-minded golfers. If you want to get the most out of your golfing experience, it's best to take a few lessons first. You can also try out a mini golf course with some friends if you're unsure if the game is for you.


Surfing is a water activity involving rides on the leading edge or face of a wave that is moving forward, often carrying you in the direction of the beach. It's a great way to stay active as it uses almost all your muscles, challenges your balance, and pumps your heart and lungs. With this exercise, you may also improve your mental faculties because it demands a lot of focus and dedication. If you're an ocean lover and want something less demanding than surging, you can also explore boogie boarding.

Horseback Riding

Horseback riding is a relaxing activity that can also help you stay fit. However, gaining a little riding experience is best before getting into the saddle. If you've never ridden a horse before, you can sign up for a guided horse ride till you get the hang of things. Even if you have previous experience, you will benefit from speaking with a horse expert to know a bit about the horse you'll be riding so you can easily bond and have an excellent riding experience.

Outdoor Photography

Believe it or not, outdoor photography is a great way to spend time outdoors and stay active. It's also a great way to let others see the world from your perspective. While spending time outdoors, whether alone or with loved ones, trying to identify interesting things to capture with your camera can help keep you on the move without exerting too much effort. Plus, it allows you to enjoy some fresh air and appreciate nature.


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