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Tips to Consider When Planning a Trip

There are several ways to enjoy peace of mind while you're on vacation, knowing that everything has been taken care of at home.

Tips to Consider When Planning a Trip

If you've got an extended trip away on the horizon, this is likely to be an exciting but busy time! If you'll be away for longer than a couple of weeks, then there are several extra things to consider to make sure you can enjoy peace of mind while you're on vacation, knowing that everything's been taken care of at home. Here are the key things to consider before jetting off to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible while you're away.

Get Great Home Security in Place

Worrying about the security of your property is one of the quickest ways to spoil a much-anticipated vacation. Fortunately, getting a great security system in place is likely more straightforward and cheaper than you think! Integrated smart systems allow you to monitor your home from a distance and remotely control elements such as lighting and heating. To find the best home security for your needs, think carefully about the layout of your home and potential vulnerabilities to figure out how many cameras you need and their placement. Also, consider adding smoke and flood detectors to your system for ultimate peace of mind that your space is safe while you're away.

Contact Your Bank

Get in touch with your bank and credit card provider to let them know when and where you'll be going—if you don't, you may find your card gets blocked when you try to use it abroad as an anti-fraud measure. A hassle you definitely don't want to deal with on holiday. This is a super quick and easy task and one that you may be able to do online.

Turn Down the Water Heater and Thermostat

This is easy to forget in the exciting run-up to vacation time, but if you'll be away for an extended period, it's an important task to add to the list. If you live in a cold climate, it's recommended that you turn your thermostat down to 55-60 degrees before you head off: this should be warm enough to guard against the pipes freezing while not wasting excessive electricity or gas. Turning your home heating down to around 50 degrees, or setting it to vacation mod, is a good idea too.

Eat Perishable Foods!

The last thing you want is to return from a three-week vacation to a fridge full of rotten food - yuck! Before you leave, conduct a thorough food audit, and plan to either eat, freeze or give away all the perishable food in your food and cupboards. While you're at it, why not give the fridge a quick clean for an even fresher homecoming?

Enlist the Help of a Friend or Neighbor

While it's not a good idea to make your holiday plans too well-known, you may wish to ask a trusted friend or neighbor to pop into your house every day or other day to pick up the post, water the plants, etc. Otherwise, arrange for your mail to be held at your local post office while you're gone. Having a visible pile of post on your porch floor is a clear sign that you've been away for a while and could draw an opportunistic burglar. Re-arranging regular deliveries is also a good way of not making it so evident that the house is unoccupied.

Create Digital Copies of Important Documents

Having a digital copy of your most important documents, such as your passport, health insurance paperwork, driving license, etc., is essential so that, if the worst happens and your bag is lost or stolen, you've got the details you need on hand. Depending on your destination, you may feel more comfortable keeping your passport tucked up in the hotel safe and taking the paper copy out and about with you.

Get Your Car Serviced

If you're hitting the road for an extended road trip, get your vehicle booked for a service before your adventure begins - ideally, at least a week before you head off. While this may seem like an extra annoying thing to deal with, an avoidable breakdown on your dream road trip would be even more of a hassle.

Pack Your Carry-on with Care

The big day is nearly here! One of your final jobs is packing your carry-on- and ensuring the rest of the family packs theirs. When gathering what you want to pack, think about what would happen if your main luggage got lost or delayed, and pack with this in mind. So, pack in your carry-on the items needed for the first couple of days of your trip, just in case a luggage disaster strikes. This could include toiletries, nightwear, spare underwear, swimsuits, glasses, and contact lens cases.Don't forget chargers for your devices and travel adapters, if necessary, too!

Preparing for a Hassle-Free Holiday

Use the above tips to ensure that you get everything up to speed at home before your vacation begins so that, when the big day finally rolls around, you can simply get on with the most important thing of all: having the best family holiday ever.


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