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The Ins and Outs of Running a Hotel

While offering lodging can be an exciting way to earn a living, there are also many ways in which it can be challenging.

The Ins and Outs of Running a Hotel

It's something that a lot of people before you have wanted to do, but running a hotel is not always what it's cracked up to be. While there are a lot of good times and it can be a rewarding and exciting way to earn a living and run a business, there are also a lot of ways in which it can be quite difficult. On the whole, however, you'll find that there is a lot you can get out of it, and it's definitely worth pursuing if it's something you've been thinking about. There is a lot that you will need to consider if you want to make sure that you are running your hotel as best as possible, and it's vital to make sure that you are aware of all of this as much as possible. So in this post, we are going to take a general look at some of the main concerns you might have about running a hotel and how to make sure that you are running it as effectively as possible.

Understand The Business Model

Before you do anything else, you need to make sure that you have a firm grasp of the basic business model behind most hotels. The more you understand this, the better a chance you will have of being able to run a hotel successfully and easily, but also with grace and talent. So what is the kind of business model that hotels normally subscribe to? One benefit is that it is actually a very simple model indeed. It's one that you know about because you have probably stayed in a lot of hotels already in your life, and you know how they work. If you think you might need a refresher, it is a really good idea to spend some time in a few hotels in the near future and make some notes. The business model is simple, then, but also powerful. Position your brand and your physical premises in the right place, know what you are delivering, and then work hard to provide it, and you'll find that you always have guests in your hotel.

Find the Right Spot

In fact, that is one of the really early things that you will need to do when you are starting a business of this kind: find a spot to have your hotel. There are so many qualities that go into the perfect spot, and it is not always obvious whether or not you have managed to find one right away. In general, however, a good place for a hotel is one where you have a decent access to where people are actually coming from, and to the center of the area, wherever that might be. Of course, there are exceptions. You might start a hotel in the middle of nowhere because it's a beautiful and unique spot and you want to draw some tourism to that place. This is a perfectly good approach to take as well, though perhaps a higher-risk one. But as well as the physical location of your hotel, you have to think about the building itself, and here you have a few considerations to consider. Most of all, you want it to be an interesting building that looks a little different, and which people are going to be amazed by when they first clap eyes on it. That's an amazing quality for a hotel to have, and it's the kind of thing that you are going to find that really helps bring more people in. Whether you are building a new building or using an existing one, this is something you'll want to consider. All in all, having the right spot in place is going to make a huge difference to your chances of success.

Develop Your Brand

All hotels will need to have a brand, and how to approach this depends again on a wide variety of things. You need to think about the potential clientele that you are going to have in your hotel, and what attracts them to a place. Getting a strong sense of that will help you in figuring out what the brand is going to be and how to show it off to the world in the form of marketing, so it's vital that you get it right. At the same time, you should be thinking of a theme for the hotel itself, which should obviously go hand in hand with the brand as well as you would hope. This is something that will again affect the future of the hotel considerably, and you want to make sure that you get it right straight away. Which is not to say that you can't alter it later if you want to. Absolutely you can, and a rebrand is always on the cards of any hotel if it is struggling or just wants a change. But make sure that you develop an initial brand that you are really happy with, at least.

Hire a Manager

Having a good hotel manager will make everything else so much easier for you. As the owner, you may or may not want to manage the place yourself. It's up to you, but bear in mind that what matters is that the manager is someone who is able to really make a huge difference to the hotel for the better. With that in mind, consider whether it is likely to be best that you do it, or that you might want to hire someone else. If you are hiring someone else, it's important that you not rush the process. You want to make sure that you end up with someone who is going to be suitable for the job and up to the challenge, because it is a demanding job. They should have experience, ideally, and also a huge amount of passion. If you can find someone like that, and they prove to be good at the role, hang on to them - they are a vital asset for the hotel's future. That manager might have some ideas about how to run a hotel, so it's important that you work together, take those ideas on board and see what makes sense for the both of you as a team.

Set Up Systems

There are a number of systems that you will need to have in place if you are going to keep your hotel running as it should. It pays to look into this early, shop around for the best solutions and then make sure that you are going to be putting them into place as soon as possible. You need to set up a number of systems which are going to be used for perhaps years to come, so you want them to be just right. The software is hugely important. You need booking software that you can trust and which won't crash, as well as software for working out shifts, who is doing what task, and other concerns such as payroll - always important to any business. You'll also need payment systems in place, and an awareness of the processes behind them, including what to do in case of chargebacks. Go to for an idea of that, and make sure you have the appropriate solution already in place. Once you have the right systems set up, things will instantly start looking better, and you'll find that you are going to be in a much stronger position to get the ball rolling with your hotel.

Obtain the Materials

Fitting out the hotel is next, and it's something that requires a lot of big picture thinking as well as small detail focus - both the macro and the micro in one. You need to have a general sense of theme and style, and this should be consistent across the board, while also keeping a good sense of the details of each individual room, bathroom and so on. If you can do that, you are going to find that your hotel will end up looking so much more beautiful and amazing, so it's the kind of thing that you really should think about. With the help of your staff, who you now hopefully have in place, you can start obtaining materials for fitting out the rooms, including beds and bedding, other furniture and so on. All of this should be sourced properly from decent suppliers if you want to end up with items that you can hold on to for the duration. That is really important for the future appearance of the hotel, and therefore its success as a business as well.

Start Your Marketing

Finally, start putting some marketing into place. Advertising hotels is all about placing them within the context of the location, so be sure to do that well. With good marketing, you should be able to draw people in and have a fully booked hotel every night before too long. Remember that it is always best to overbook just in case some people back out.


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