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Societal Changes in the Lives of Students

Society has recently changed in many different ways, but there are some notable elements expected to remain the same for the immediate future.

Societal Changes in the Lives of Students

Students lived a very different life pre-pandemic. They were more care-free, had different opportunities when it came to communicating with others and they had, in many ways, more prospects after graduating. The pandemic changed their lives in lots of different ways and while some form of normality has resumed, there are still some notable changes that are here to stay for the foreseeable. Let's look at some of them.

Online Learning

While the pandemic forced many students out of the classroom and into their homes, it opened up new opportunities for online learning. Students were suddenly able to learn from anywhere in the world, at any time of day and this flexibility was a huge benefit for many. With the rise in demand for online learning channels came a huge influx of different technologies and platforms that now give students online access to lectures and material. This prevents people from falling behind, despite missing an in-person lecture from time to time.


A large percentage of students are now attending school remotely, and this is having a big impact on socialization. Add to this the fact that many extracurricular activities and social events are still being cancelled or postponed and you get even fewer opportunities for mixing with classmates and getting to know new people. This is not necessarily a good thing and experts are hoping that the lack of socializing during this very important time in life will not have a negative effect on students down the line.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on the economy, and students have not emerged unaffected. Prior to the pandemic, many were already struggling to make ends meet and the changes that have taken place are making things even more difficult. Many students have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced. This is lost income that they were using to pay for rent, food, and other essentials. Because of this, many students are finding it difficult to repay their loans and keep on top of their debt. Many are choosing to refinance their existing student loans with the hope of gaining some financial control and enjoying better repayment terms.


The pandemic forced students to find new ways to communicate with each other. In-person classes and hanging out with friends after school was suddenly replaced with Zoom calls and catching up on social media in the evenings. Now, as things are returning to normal, many are still relying on using technology to stay connected in life.

Job Prospects

Not matter if you are a recent grad or someone hoping to grow in your career, it is tough out there. The job market has been increasingly competitive in recent years, but the pandemic has changed the prospects for many graduating students. With businesses shutting down and layoffs happening across industries, many graduates are now wondering what their futures hold. Will they be able to find their dream jobs once they graduate? What will the economy look like in a few years' time? Will the job market be stable? These are all questions that people are asking post pandemic.


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