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4 Ways to Have Fun on FaceTime

Consider these ways that FaceTime-driven games and activities can also be fun for adults after work or over the weekend.

4 Ways to Have Fun on FaceTime

Playing competitive games with others using FaceTime video-telephone software created by Apple, Inc. on iOS mobile devices or computers with a forward-facing camera lets kids have fun indoors with their peers from the safety of their own homes. Youngsters can use the games for more than just being entertained. These digital activities can also serve an educational purpose as well. Online games encourage children to activate their minds for problem-solving to leaned information that is new to them and develop skills that can serve practical needs. Giving children the opportunity to play games with others using FaceTime helps get them accustomed to being socially interesting with others that are their own age. No matter if kids happen to be super gamers in their spare time or only play games online occasional, make it your business to assist them in finding age-appropriate FaceTime games that they can play with you, their siblings, other family members, or their friends in the neighborhood when it gets cold outside. But FaceTime-driven games and activities can also be fun for adults as well after work or over the weekend. Here are five ways to have fun on FaceTime this winter, some for kids and some for grownups.

1.) Charade

For one of the most popular games that you can play with family and friends on FaceTime, you can't lose with Charades. Not only have most adults played it before or can easily understand its rules, but it is fun to watch everyone make a fool of themselves in the name of fun. No one needs any pricy special supplies, and it is easy enough to be played by loved ones of all ages. Just write a word down and act it out to see if the other team and figure it out.

2.) Share Playlists of Your Favorite Music

When it is too cold to go out to a concert and listen to your favorite singer play your favorite songs, you can hop onto FaceTime with a significant other or friend and have a FaceTime music party. Curate a list of your favorite songs and talk about them afterward to let that special person on the other end of the screen know why this music means so much to you. For a longer night, have them prepare a playlist as well and learn about their personal musical tastes as well.

3.) Boggle

If you are looking for games to play on Facetime to stay home and have fun, look no further than Boggle. This easy word game only requires a bit of concentration and being able to read, write, and spell words. Just set up the Boggle board so that the friends that you are playing with on FaceTime can see it and let the games begin. Keep in mind that the words need to be a minimum of three letters, no capitalized or hyphenated words, no individual letter cube can be used more than once in a word, and every letter that follows the first word has to be vertical, diagonal, or horizontal.

4.) Online Wine Party

Who says that you have to wait until the spring weather comes to have yourself a wine tasting with friends? Instead of stepping foot out into the snow and getting intoxicated in a public bar, why not set up wine tasting using FaceTime with friends online? When it is time to have some adult fun, you can pair your love of discovering delicious new wines and make it a social event without having to leave home. How about getting a few friends onboard to buy six different bottles of wine that no one has ever tried and six wine bottle stoppers to plug up the unfinished bottles afterward and have a wine-tasting party online? This way, everyone can stay in for the night at their own homes if they so choose and log into FaceTime for a group chat.

To add plenty of variety, decide upon two rosé wines, a pair of red wines such as merlot, and then two white wines like chardonnay. They can be supplied from six different vineyards, all the same vineyards, or some distant region whose wines you are interested in. Aside from the decided-upon bottles of wine and wine stoppers so that the leftover wine doesn't go to waste, everyone will also need six different glasses to pour each wine type in. You don't want to keep pouring different wines into the same glass because it will taint the taste and alter it with each pour. You can go with fancy unbreakable wine glasses or ease up on the expenses and use regular drinking glasses that you would regularly pour the juice in. Last, of all, you email everyone a tasting grid for them to type into as a guide for helping all of your virtual guests to take note of what ingredients and flavors they taste with each poor. All in all, with everyone either staying home for the online wine tasting, no one has to worry about driving while intoxicated, having to call a taxi, or leaving the warm comfort of their home.


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