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Getting Your Construction Business Off the Ground

Industry experts recommend construction companies take advantage of software applications that help make tasks easier.

Getting Your Construction Business Off the Ground

Contractors live complicated lives. Attracting new clients isn't always easy, and tracking the progress of various projects is often frustrating, especially if problems develop. Today, industry experts recommend construction companies take advantage of the many software applications that take over some tasks and make life easier for contractors and their employees. Adopting an ERP system is arguably the most important solution a contractor can consider to be competitive in an evolving market.

What is an ERP System?

ERPs, or enterprise resource planning systems, integrate all major business management functions under one software umbrella to make multiple tasks flow smoothly. ERPs for the construction industry handle management, accounting and finance, engineering, ordering, and human resources functions. The central idea is to improve the overall workflow and eliminate issues that commonly develop.

Discover the Benefits of an ERP System

Today's contractors want more than broad claims a software system will deliver benefits; they want examples. ERP systems are proven to generate solid results, not simply promises. So, let's review some real-world benefits provided by ERP solutions for construction companies.

  • Customer Service is Improved. Far too often, construction companies experience issues with customer service. Most of those issues are resolved when an ERP system is utilized. First, the software makes it easy to access customer data from anywhere, meaning that when a customer needs an update or explanation, the information is always readily available. Work orders go with workers to the job site, and any changes are communicated immediately. When questions arise, and a client wants answers, response times are shortened.

  • Project Management is Enhanced. Monitoring projects is simplified when management has instant access to project information. Assignments can be updated as needed to prevent or mitigate delays, and management can track the progress of several projects at once. That type of flexibility is crucial when several projects are underway at one time.

  • Supply Chain Management is Improved. Construction projects generally involve multiple suppliers and sub-contractors. One common issue is materials not being on the site when workers or subcontractors are scheduled to install them. While software solutions won't resolve all supply chain issues, they make it easier to retask workers as needed when issues develop. Of course, quality software solutions also help to track the performance of suppliers so changes can be made when necessary to reduce the potential for future issues.

  • Financial Predictions are Simplified. At times, planning is difficult when information from different departments isn't integrated into a central location. ERPs provide the data needed to make or revise financial plans as conditions evolve.

These are only a few of the benefits construction company owners will see when implementing an ERP solution. There are more, and software providers will gladly review a specific contractor's needs to evaluate other advantages of an ERP system.

Customize a System to Meet Your Company's Needs

ERP systems are customizable to match the requirements of a specific contractor. Since the needs of a small general contractor will differ from those of, for example, a large electrical contractor, the software selected must be flexible enough to meet each organization's requirements. Software providers work with construction company representatives to determine what solution will provide the needed results. The first step needed to get your construction business off the ground is to contact an ERP system provider today. The provider's team will recommend specific solutions to boost your business' success.


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