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Tips for Looking After Yourself This Winter

Maintaining mental, physical, and emotional health in colder months can be challenging, but making an effort to feel better is a valid practice.

Tips for Looking After Yourself This Winter

It's simple to fall into a seasonal funk throughout the winter. Our daily lives can be negatively impacted by the reduction in temperature and lack of sunlight, which can have an impact on everything from our bodies to our sleeping patterns. Keeping our mental, physical, and emotional health in order during the colder months can be challenging. Self-care won't solve every problem but making tiny efforts to feel better is still a valid practice.

Cook Comfort Food

It's easy to give up healthy routines and turn to comfort eating when it's cold outside. But why not combine the best of both worlds by making a quick, wholesome slow cooker dish like this pinto bean recipe? Or how about attempting a substantial soup like Scotch broth or beef stew?

Slow Down

Winter can make your day more stressful, particularly if it's around the holidays. Wrapping yourself in a blanket and taking ten to fifteen minutes to relax and just be in the moment, a few times per week, is a terrific method to reset your brain. There are lots of resources available online to get you started if you need assistance.

Manage the Time You Spend on Technology

Especially if we are possibly not seeing friends and family as much throughout the winter, it can be enticing to use our phones as a means to keep connected. It's vital to attempt to strike a balance between remaining linked and spending some time off from your digital gadgets since, while our phones and laptops are a terrific way to stay in touch, they can also wind up becoming a source of stress. Pick times when you can read a book, take a relaxing bath, or indulge in a writing activity like journaling without having to check your phone.

Keep Moving

Finding the urge to be active can frequently be challenging when the weather is unfavourable. You may stay healthy all winter long by switching your outside hobbies to indoor ones. You could give yoga, dancing, golf, or squash a go. There are also plenty of things you can do indoors and for free, with the wonder of Youtube and the thousands of workout videos on there to try.

Look After Your Skin

It's fairly dry during the winter. Naturally, the chilly air causes your skin to lose moisture. Because of this, your skin feels dry and irritated during the winter. Your skin may quickly break and begin bleeding if you do not moisturise and hydrate it. Infection may result from this as well.

Keep Yourself Cozy and Warm

If it becomes extremely cold outside, stay inside. Try to maintain a pleasant temperature in the main room you spend the most time in. When you're sitting stationary during the day or at night, heated throws, electric blankets, and hot water bottles can keep you toasty. Keep moving even if you find yourself spending more time indoors than normal. Getting up and moving about once every hour will improve your attitude and energy levels.


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