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Beginner Beard Growth Tips for Black Men

The process of growing a full thick beard takes time, as growth goes through several stages from patchy to stubble to full-grown hair.

Beginner Beard Growth Tips for Black Men

Growing a beard can seem like an uphill task, especially when you consider that it averagely grows half an inch every month, and each person's hair grows differently. Moreover, black hair can be harder to grow due to its coarse and curly nature. If you want a full thick beard, here are some tips to help you achieve that.

Consider Your Face Shape

Before you start your beard journey, understand your face shape. Every face is unique, and you should choose a beard style that suits your face. There are six main face shapes that you will likely fall into:

  • Square. Here, all the sides of the same appear equal with a sharp jaw. Men with this face type should go with a beard that has short sides and is longer at the chin. Your beard should highlight your jawline.

  • Oval. Oval shapes have a longer face, and the jawline is rounded. Almost all beard styles go with this face shape. You can either go with bushy sides and a short bottom or a longer one with trimmed sides.

  • Oblong. This shape is similar to the oval face shape as the face is long. However, the cheekbone, forehead, and jawline are equal. If you have this shape, avoid long beards as they elongate your face. Keep it short and full.

  • Triangular. For this shape, the jawline is wider than the forehead and cheeks, and the chin is pointed. Go for a short beard cropped on the sides like a goatee.

  • Round. A round face has a wider cheekbone and an undefined cheekbone. Round faces look best with a long beard shaped in a way to creates angles. You can also choose to go with a goatee. Avoid thick beards. They can make your face look rounder than it already is.

  • Diamond. Men with this face shape spot a long face, narrow forehead, a pointy chin, and high cheekbones. With this face, your beard should reduce your cheekbones. You can go with the chin strap, Balbo, or a full beard.

When growing your beard, let it grow wild for a few weeks to see how it sits on your face. This will help you know better which beard style suits you the most and whether or not this is a venture you are willing to take.

Use Quality Products

This is just as important in the beginning as with a full-grown beard. Harsh products affect the skin, clog your pores, and damage any hair follicles that may be growing. Once you start seeing growth go in with a beard wash, conditioner, and moisturizer. You can find a beard growth routine for yourself that can boost your growth significantly. If you do not have any beard-specific products, you can use what you have in the house. The more coil your beard has, the more moisture it will need. A great conditioner will work wonders.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle directly impacts hair growth, and this applies to your beard as well. A healthy lifestyle will stimulate your hair follicles, leading to a fuller beard. To maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • Exercise. Exercise enhances blood circulation, allowing your whole body, including your beard.

  • Eat nutrient-dense foods. Nutrient-dense foods are foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains. Such foods promote a healthy body and, ultimately, healthy hair growth. Healthy hair starts from the inside.

  • Hydrate. Drinking water not only keeps you alive but is great for your body and your hair. Drinking enough water increases blood circulation and boosts healthy skin. You cannot have a healthy beard without healthy skin.

  • Avoid stress. Stress is a known factor in hair loss. The increase of cortisol, the stress hormone, can reduce the production of testosterone, which can inhibit hair growth. Therefore, if you want to grow your beard, avoid stress.

Maintain a Beard Routine

As you have seen above, there are different stages in the beard growth journey, and each stage requires some form of grooming. Your beard care routine can be similar to your hair. Make it as simple as you can to encourage consistency. Wash your beard regularly. Washing your beard and moisturizing it will help keep the skin around your beard clean, prevent the dreaded beard itch and promote hair growth. Look for products that are gentle on your face and hair. Use a moisturizer to keep your stubble moist. Moisturizing it will keep it soft and make it easier to comb or style. Choose a comb that is soft on your hair. Ensure that you do not pull on the hair as you comb. When your beard starts to grow and shape up, regularly trim it to get rid of any split ends and style it to your preference.

Be Patient

Give your beard time to grow. I understand the need to have the beard of your dreams, but this process takes time. Beard growth goes through several stages, from patchy to stubble to finally full-grown hair. Some places may grow faster than others. If you want your beard to grow, stick it out through the stages.


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