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Enjoy Non-Alcoholic Evening Nightcap Drinks

Consider these tasty options for those accustomed to having a nightcap before bed but looking for a drink that won't hinder their sleep.

Enjoy Non-Alcoholic Evening Nightcap Drinks

If you have trouble falling asleep or can't sleep through the night, what do you do? One option some people turn to is an evening cap, which refers to the consumption of alcohol before bed. Many people love having a nightcap before they prepare to sleep because they find that alcohol makes them tired. Yet, studies have shown that nightcaps can cause a person's overall sleep to suffer, even if the alcohol helped put them to sleep quicker than normal. If you are accustomed to having a nightcap before bed but looking for a drink that won't hinder their sleep (even one that will help improve it), consider these non-alcoholic drinks you can consume without guilt before bed. You may be pleasantly surprised with the positive effects these beverages can have on your body.

Sparkling Herbal Tonic

Sparkling herbal tea offers a refreshing and delightful twist to traditional herbal infusions. Packed with the goodness of herbs, this effervescent beverage not only provides a sensory delight with its fizzy texture but also brings forth a range of health benefits. The effervescence adds a playful element to the soothing qualities of herbal teas, making them an appealing choice for those seeking a more dynamic and engaging tea-drinking experience. Rich in antioxidants and free from the additives often found in sugary sodas, a sparkling herbal tonic can contribute to overall well-being. Some drinks are rich on artificial sweeteners as well. If you're considering alternatives, it's worth exploring the impact of artificial sweeteners on your body, such as the differences between sucralose vs aspartame. Be mindful on the beverages you consume. Whether you're seeking a vibrant beverage for social occasions or a revitalizing pick-me-up, sparkling herbal tea is a flavorful and health-conscious choice.

Decaffeinated Tea

Tea is an excellent beverage to drink before bed because many tea blends are soothing to the body and have a calming effect. Just be sure to select a decaffeinated or naturally caffeine-free option because some types of tea (such as black tea and matcha) are high in caffeine, which won't help prepare you for sleep. A few teas that are ideal to drink as a nightcap are camomile, mint, lavender, licorice, and lemon balm. Not only are each of these tea blends praised for their stress-relieving effects, but they also infuse your body with a relaxing feeling due to their naturally-calming ingredients. While some people swear that these teas help them sleep faster and better, the result they have on actual sleep patterns will vary depending on personal factors. Yet, you can count on feeling soothed and relaxed when drinking these teas, which in turn helps prepare your mind and body to unwind before bed.

Warmed Milk

Do you have memories of waking in the night and having an older family member make you warm milk before sending you back to your room to sleep? This is a common memory for many, and those adults who made you warm milk at night were on to something. Warmed milk is a nostalgic and effective nightcap for promoting sleep. Milk is rich in the amino acid tryptophan which boosts serotonin (a mood stabilizer that also helps regulate sleep) which then leads to an increase in your melatonin. You might know melatonin as a natural ingredient you can take to help you sleep, but it is also a hormone found in your body. Unwarmed milk contains tryptophan the same as warmed milk, but the familiar and soothing feeling of drinking a hot beverage before bed is the reason people prefer milk best after it has simmered on the stove for a few minutes. Try it hot or cold and see how it works for you.

Cherry Juice

Cherries are also high in melatonin because cherries also contain tryptophan. If you want to sleep better at night, try sipping cherry juice throughout the day and before bed. The beneficial effects of two cups of cherry juice daily include improved sleep, so aim to reach this daily dosage. Although there are various types of cherries, tart cherry juice contains a higher concentration of melatonin than sweet cherry juice, yet both can help you sleep.

You might have been dreading saying goodbye to your alcoholic nightcap, but now that you know about these delicious alternatives that will fuel your body with healthy ingredients and aid in a good sleep, you can feel excited about making this positive switch in your life. Try each option and make note of how you feel during and after drinking them so you can establish a routine based on what best works for you!


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