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3 Ways to Achieve Minimalist Interior Design

Consider a few ways that you can take back some control over your life by creating a minimalist home environment.

3 Ways to Achieve Minimalist Interior Design

When people think of minimalism, they often confuse it with being frugal and eating oatmeal for every meal. The reality is that minimalism is a way of life that just makes you mindful about how you spend money. Since our houses tend to be a repository for lots of stuff we don't need, it is logical to start thinking about minimalism when it comes to our homes. The way we decorate, the things we own, and the way we use our homes can all be done better when we take on a minimalist approach. In this article, we will go over some of the ways that you can take back some control over your life by creating a minimalist home.

Buy Real Art

Decorating a house tends to be an effort to fill up all the empty spaces with things. Instead of doing that, spend money in a better way and buy actual art to use to decorate your house. When you decorate with actual art, your money is being spent with people who are creating things and making the world look nicer. It's better to support artists that are creating instead of a faceless corporation. There is art for every taste and budget so you can put some interesting pieces on your walls. It could be to start a conversation if you pick something different like AI giraffe art for your wall that uses artificial intelligence to make works of unique art. Or, you could simply put something up that looks tasteful and makes you feel good to see it every day.

Just the Essentials

It's obvious that you need furniture, but that doesn't mean that every square inch of the house needs to be filled with furnishings. Think about how you plan to use your home and buy furniture that will help you in that way. For instance, if you plan to entertain then it makes sense to spend your money on a big dining table and less on small coffee tables to fill the space. Having lots of people mingling in your home means that you need space to move around and not feel like they are on top of each other. A stylish sofa that looks good but isn't a behemoth of a thing will look nice and fulfill its function. It should be comfortable, but also a piece of art.

Have Lots of Plants

Having lots of plants at home makes for a healthy environment since they are visually pleasing but also because the air quality is improved. Placing plants around the house makes it look decorated while the plants fulfill a more practical function by cleaning the air and making it nicer to breathe. Find some corners of the room where there is enough sunlight and you want something green for the visual appeal. Small plants like succulents on shelves also add a nice natural touch that adds some warmth to a room.


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