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Tips for Working From Home With Your Partner

Consider these things that you can do in order to make working from home with your partner a bit easier.

Tips for Working From Home With Your Partner

Many people have switched recently to working from home and would like to keep it that way. Some are splitting time up with half of it from home and half in the office or on the road, or some are completely flexible and switch it up week from week. Whatever you do, if you find that you and your partner are sometimes working from home together, it can be great but also be a bit of a logistical nightmare. Instead of just seeing them for a rushed goodbye in the morning and then back again after 6pm, you are faced with spending the entire morning, day and evening in each other's company. While you love each other, this can be quite intense and you need to be prepared to do what you can to make it work. Many companies, such as if you use or work for 3PL logistics services for example, mean you can spend time out on the road or managing a fleet, giving you time away from home. Here we take a look at some top tips for when you and your partner do work from home together.

Ensure You Both Have Your Own Space

Working from home is great as you don't have to worry about commuting in or having to get up early in the morning. Yet one of the downfalls is that you might not have the same workspace as you would in the office, making it difficult to concentrate. This is why you need to make sure you both have your own sufficient working space where you can set up your laptop and work away from any distractions. If one of you wants to work from the dining table for instance, try and get a desk for the other. It's important you both have enough space to spread out and won't be on top of each other all the time.

Find Out a Way of Working That Suits You Both

Some people have different work styles, so you need to find a way of working together that suits you both. It could be that one of you has a lot of work calls so needs total silence or that one of you likes to listen to music while you work. Think of a compromise that suits you both, or invest in noise-cancelling headphones for one of you. This way neither of you ends up missing out on working in the way that you work and you can both be productive.

Meet Up for Lunch

When it comes to your work day, it can be tempting to just grab a sandwich or a soup to eat at your desk. Instead, why not make some time to eat properly and also spend some quality time with your other half? You could use the time to go out for a walk round your local park, to head for a quick pop to the shops or just to spend half an hour with a cup of coffee and catching up with how your day is going. It's a good idea to take some time away from your desk to refresh and rejuvenate and be in a good frame of mind for the rest of the afternoon.

Ensure You Still Have Date Nights Together

When you spend all your day working together, it could be easy enough for you to sit and carry on working into the evening. You might also find that you end up talking about work more and more and finding it difficult to put it down. To ensure your relationship doesn't end up getting a bit stagnant because of this, it's important to regularly arrange date nights together so you can still spend some quality time together. This could be anything from a cheese and charcuterie board together at home, to heading somewhere together for a dedicated date night. It could be dinner out at a nice restaurant, a picnic in your local park or doing an activity such as ice skating, going to the cinema or to watch a play. When you are there, be sure to not speak about work and just have time to be yourselves. You will really notice a difference in how relaxed and more connected you feel after.

Look Into a Coworking Space

Sometimes working from home gets a bit stagnant and you might need a change or scenery. It could be that you feel this way or that you just don't have enough space for you to work together. No matter which of the two reasons it is, a good solution to this could be to opt for a coworking space instead. There are many types of coworking spaces where you can pay by the day, hour or the month and provide a great space for you to work. These can have a range of facilities such as free tea and coffee, meeting rooms and more. It can also be a way for you both to meet others, providing a great social setting for you to feel more motivated.

These are just a few things that you can do in order to make working from home with your partner that bit easier. As with all things, it can take time to get into a routine and find what works best for you, but once you do, it can end up being the best thing. You will find you really appreciate the time you spend together and get to make more quality memories together. You can just catch up quickly throughout the day such as sitting down for lunch or making each other a cup of tea which are things you wouldn't be able to do otherwise. If you work from home alongside your partner full time or even just a few days of the week, these ideas may make it a bit easier.


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