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Selecting a Pet for You and Your Family

When considering an animal to fit into your family dynamic, be sure to calculate specifics like pet requirements, budget, and time commitment.

Selecting a Pet for You and Your Family

If you are in the process of considering getting a family pet then here is a list of animals that may fit into your family dynamic. You will need to think about your budget and how much time you have to commit to your pet.


Dogs make great family pets, however, there are a lot of considerations when thinking about getting one. You will have to decide if you have enough in your budget for the running costs of owning a dog. This includes their food, vet bills, optional pet insurance, and any toys or accessories they might need. Dogs also need you to spend a lot of quality time with them so if you work long hours a dog might not be the best decision for your family. If you do decide to invest in a dog, you will need to train them and teach them basic commands. Take a look at dog training facilities near you if you are not sure how to go about this.


Cats are a fantastic choice for a low-maintenance pet. If you want someone that you can cuddle with when they are around, but know that they're okay when you're not around, then a cat is a fantastic choice. Put out some food in their bowl, make sure that they have a little tray in your house and some water at all times, and that's all you really need to do for cats. Of course, they need vet visits the same as other animals, and some cats are more human-oriented than others. Some like to wander off and only come back at night, while others like to sit with their owners. If you don't want something that you have to constantly worry about though, a cat is a great choice.


While puppies and kittens can make fantastic companions, fish can also be very therapeutic pets to own as well. They spend many hours swimming around their tank which is relaxing to watch. If you need a calm animal that doesn't take up a lot of your time then fish is the way to go. However, do be aware, gone are the days of keeping fish in glass bowls. Goldfish especially have been known to outgrow their tanks very quickly, and you want your fish to be well and healthy. You will need to get them a tank with a filter and a heater, tropical fish need their water to be heated to around 90 Fahrenheit.


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