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How to Prepare for a Winter Blackout

Winter storms, heat waves, and other natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes are the major causes of blackouts.

How to Prepare for a Winter Blackout

Sudden power outages can be troublesome and frustrating. Winter storms, heat waves, and other natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes are the major causes of blackouts. It is very important to prepare for power outages so that you can be ready whenever a blackout occurs. In this article, we are going to look at the things to do before, during, and after a blackout.

What to Do Before a Blackout

  • Buy or build an emergency preparedness kit. This kit should have a flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, and cash.

  • Ensure that you have alternative ways to charge your phone or those devices that need power. A crank or solar-powered flashlight/radio/ cell phone charger may be a good alternative to battery-powered ones.

  • Make sure that your cell is always charged and has batteries on standby

  • Ensure that you know the location of your electric garage door opener and how it is operated

  • Buy ice or freeze water-filled plastic containers to keep your food from going bad because of a blackout.

  • Always ensure that your car's fuel tank is full as gas stations power their pumps with electricity. If you will be using you to re-charge devices during a blackout, avoid keeping it running in a garage, close to a home, or a partially enclosed space as this can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

  • Visit your state's or local websites to know about the emergency plans in your area including the closest cooling and warming shelters. You can search through Google Corgihomeplan for getting better services.

  • If you rely on any power-dependent or battery-operated device, come up with a backup plan so that a power outage will not catch you off-guard.

What to Do During a Blackout

  • Avoid using candles and kerosene lanterns as they can cause fires. For emergency lighting, only use a battery-operated lantern or flashlights.

  • Don't switch off all the lights. Leave one so that you know when the power comes back.

  • Ensure that your refrigerator and freezer doors remain closed. This is because most foods that need refrigeration can stay fresh in a closed refrigerator for many hours. In fact, a closed fridge can keep food fresh for about 4 hours. Food can stay fresh for about 48 hours in a full freezer.

  • Ensure that you stay cool if it is hot outside. If the power may be off for a long time, go to a shopping mall, movie theatre, “cooling shelter” or shopping mall. However, if you choose to stay at home, go to the lowest level of your house as cool air usually falls. Wear light-weight, light-coloured clothes and drink a lot of water even if you are not thirsty.

  • Wear warm clothes if it is cold outside. Avoid burning charcoal for heating or cooking in your home. Avoid using your oven as a source of heat. If the blackout will last longer, consider going to another place (a public facility or the home of a friend or relative) with heat to help you stay warm.

  • Disconnect or turn off appliances and other equipment in case of a momentary power 'surge' that can damage devices like computers. It may be a good idea to add surge protectors.

  • Avoid running a generator inside your home or garage. Instead, use them away from your home or connect them to your home's electrical system.

  • Only travel especially by car if absolutely necessary. This is because the traffic lights will not be working and roads will be congested.

  • Don't touch any power line that has fallen to the ground. Keep your loved ones and pets away. Report downed power lines to your utility company.

What to Do After a Blackout

  • Throw away food that has been exposed to temperatures above 4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees Fahrenheit) for over 2 hours or has an unusual texture, colour, or odour. If you doubt it, throw it away.

  • Refreeze food in the freezer colder than 40 degrees Fahrenheit and with ice crystals on it

  • If you suspect that your medication may have spoilt, contact your doctor.

  • Restock your emergency kit with canned food, fresh batteries, and other supplies you used during the blackout.

How to Be Well Prepared

It is very important to ensure that you have well-stocked survival kits in your home, at work, and in your car. Always prepare for emergencies like a blackout.


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