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How to Transform Your Party Host Skills

Hosting a get-together is a complex task that takes time, dedication, and the right set of skills.

How to Transform Your Party Host Skills

Becoming a great party host isn't something that happens by accident. It takes time, dedication, and the right set of skills. Hosting is a complex task and, in many ways, considerably more challenging than doing a regular job. Consider this list of some of the party skills you'll need to become a celebrated socialite in your area.

A Positive Attitude

If you want to be a great party host, it helps to have a positive attitude. People will respond to how you feel which will dictate the general candor of the party itself. When guests arrive at the front door, greet them with a big smile. Welcome them to the party and get them started on the food or the entertainment. During the party, stay positive. If necessary, have a drink to improve your spirit. Focus on doing things that are fun that feels good for you.

Organizational Skills

Crafting the perfect party is all about getting organization right, too. You need to be able to bring multiple people and vendors together to get a real shindig going. Party organization generally requires keeping track of multiple variables at the same time. You need to understand who will attend, who has said that they are coming, the number of tables that you will need and so on. You'll also want to make sure that the venue is set up for your requirements and that it clears away guest tables before your party arrives.

Communication Skills

Hosts need to communicate with party-goers effectively to ensure that they have the best experience possible. Good communication involves:

  • Being able to direct guests to various locations around the venue
  • Addressing party-goers suggestions and complaints
  • Finding ways to help guests have the best experience possible
  • Communicating with servers and other vendors at the party
  • Telling guests when they should arrive, and when to leave
  • Letting everyone know what is expected of them
  • Telling people about things to do at the party

Listening Skills

Related to communication skills are listening skills. Party hosts have to be able to take on board what guests are saying and respond to them quickly so that they can enjoy themselves more. Party hosts often need to listen to multiple parties at the same time. Sometimes, they'll need to negotiate between different groups to make sure that everyone gets what they want. Listening carefully is also valuable as a matter of courtesy. Guests don't want to repeat themselves. It makes you look rude. If you are managing servers, you'll want to make sure that they understand these etiquette rules. If a guest asks them something, they should avoid the urge to ask them to repeat it a second time.

Being Patient and Having Composure

When you're running around, frantically trying to organize a party, it can be easy to lose your cool. There's just so much going on, and so little time to do everything. However, experienced hosts always maintain their patience and composure. They understand that things won't always go their way. But even if they don't, they don't have to lose their center. Even if guests are being difficult, they remain calm and unflappable throughout.

Speaking Skills

As a host, you'll need good speaking skills. That's because it's your job to be a master of ceremonies. You're often the first point of contact guests have when they walk through the door, and the last person they say goodbye to on the way out. You're also responsible for answering the telephone, which means that you'll need to speak clearly to guests in a way that they can understand, no matter where they are from.

Multitasking Skills

Multitasking has been getting a bad rap recently. Workers, we're told, should focus on a single task to be more productive. However, as any experienced party host will tell you, that isn't possible. Hosts have to do many things at once and respond to events, as they happen, in real time. For instance, as a host, you might have to:

  • Make reservations and placements
  • Direct people to various locations
  • Ensure that the party follows its schedule
  • Talk to guests and show a genuine interest in their lives
  • Serve wine and other drinks

Being a Team Player

Party hosting isn't a solo pursuit. To do it well, you need to be a team player. That's because you need to work with other people to pull the event off. Being a team player adjusts your perspective of parties. Instead of being something designed for your personal benefit, shindigs become an opportunity for you to make other people's lives better. To become a better team player, you can:

  • Share more information that is relevant to other people
  • Become a better problem solver, helping out others when they need it
  • Sticking to your promises, timetables, schedules, and deadlines
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses, and ask others to support you
  • Take the initiative more often

Getting Creative

Party hosts also need to be as creative as possible to get the most out of the event. Party-goers are always looking for new and original forms of entertainment to keep them occupied until it's time to go home. They want party game rentals, karaoke sessions, drinking games, bands, and more. As you expand your party hosting skills, you'll naturally become more creative. You'll start to see links between ideas, creating wildly new events that fascinate those in attendance.

Becoming a better party host might seem like a strange kind of pursuit. But the skills you learn can dramatically improve your effectiveness in life. Hosting great parties expands your network of personal influence tremendously and teaches you the skills you need for most high-powered careers. It's fun, too. Ensuring that everyone has a good time is a satisfying experience by itself. Listening is arguably the most important party host skill. If you can pay close attention to your guests, you will stand out. People will want to come to your parties more than those of your neighbors.


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