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How to Pick a Great Romantic Dining Spot

Consider these tips to help make your dinner date unique.

How to Pick a Great Romantic Dining Spot

Going out to dinner (or even lunch or breakfast) in a restaurant is one of the most common date activities, regardless of the stage of your relationship. But what makes a restaurant suitable for a date? The answers will undoubtedly differ from couple to couple. Hipsters in love may prefer the atmosphere of an indie coffee house or farm-to-table restaurant, whereas long-married couples may prefer a place that reminds them of the nostalgic malt shop where they first shared a milkshake with two straws. Other couples may still be attempting to recreate the most romantic restaurant scene in film history which took place in a back alley where Lady and the Tramp demonstrated the most romantic way to divide a plate of pasta. The restaurant you choose can make or break your date night; and with a spectrum of options as different as a glass of pinot noir from a shot of Slipknot whiskey, the restaurant you choose may dictate whether you end up on another date. So consider these ideas to help make your romantic dinner date everything you hoped for.


What kind of food do you enjoy? And, equally as important, what does your date enjoy? While you may think that the simplest way to find out is to ask your date where they want to go to dinner, but this can lead to some hesitancy in the conversation since no one wants to make an uniformed wrong decision. So, instead of eliciting an unsure response like, I'm not sure; where you want to go? which can remove some of the enchantment from a perfect date, simply ask for general food likes and dislikes. Begin with what you already know. Has your date mentioned any favorite foods or restaurants? What about a restaurant they've never tried but would like to? Examine your date's social media; you can often learn about restaurants and foods they enjoy. Then use that information to have everything planned out so that your arrival at the restaurant will be more of an ideal setting and thus more magical. f you are still stumped, consider taking your date somewhere you want to go or somewhere you have a special connection. Sharing a hobby with a date is a great way to start a conversation and bond.


The ambiance of the restaurant you select will have an almost equal impact on your date as the food. In fact, it is likely to have a more significant impact. If you want to be able to look your date in the eyes and have decent dialogue, make sure the restaurant you choose allows you to do so. Some restaurants are more about the experience than the food. If dinner includes a show, whether it's the food being prepared in front of you or a literal dinner show, the focus shifts away from you and your date and toward the show. If you go to a sports bar, the focus is likely to be on the game playing in the background, which is great if you and your date are big sports fans. So decide whether you are looking for upbeat entertainment or a quiet environment that is conducive to conversation.


It can be difficult to talk easily or connect with your date if the music in a restaurant is too loud. This may or may not be a positive benefit based on the intented activities of your time together. Is the music playing something you and your date like? If there is grooving, are you ready to dance? No matter whether you and your date enjoy dancing, you may appreciate having a date night music collection on hand.


Once you have narrowed down your list of potential restaurants, make certain that you are considering venues that are within your budget. Take the time to look up the average cost of a meal at each restaurant. You don't want to arrive at a restaurant, open the menu, and have an anxiety attack after reading the prices. You need to go in knowing that you and your date can order a full meal without worrying about running out of money. Coupons are great, but bringing one on a planned date can quickly make it appear as if you chose the restaurant because you had a coupon rather than because you knew your date would enjoy it. You may wish to keep the coupons for a return trip with your date once they realize how thoughtful and romantic you are.


This is the web era; take advantage of it. Read reviews on restaurants you're thinking about visiting; even if you've been to a restaurant that was a childhood favorite, things can sometimes change. Reviews allow you to get a sense of what you're getting yourself into and it's also a great way to learn about what the restaurant does well. You can tell your date about a dish that has received rave reviews. Small gestures like this can show your date how much effort you put into the experience and can make them feel special. Online reviews are a powerful tool that can help guide you and also steer you away from a bad dining experience altogether.


You've chosen the best restaurant. You've finally made what you believe to be the correct decision. What happens next? To begin, does the restaurant suggest or require reservations? If it does, make one; you don't want to show up and have to wait for a table with your date, or worse, not be able to get one at all.

Once you know where you're going, you can keep the element of surprise, but at least give your date a hint on what to expect so they can plan and dress accordingly—especially when the first date dress or special date dress should be on point. Above all, remember that your date chose you, not the restaurant. So be yourself because that is who they want to be with; a great meal simply enhances the evening.


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