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How to Help Control Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

A CFS patient typically experiences intense tiredness for months without any specific or noticeable medical ground.

How to Help Control Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is also known as myalgia encephalomyelitis (ME) or systemic exertional intolerance disease (SEID). A CFS patient typically experiences intense tiredness for months without any specific or noticeable medical ground and feels tired after physical and mental exertion. Expecting to get better after taking enough rest often does not work with CFS, and there is no one-test diagnosis of the condition. Health experts conduct several tests to identify the disorder and distinguish it from other similar conditions. Its treatment aims at alleviating the symptoms for a better life.

CFS comes with a host of symptoms that adversely influence a person's capabilities. Every individual experiences different levels of severity and frequency of these symptoms which may include feeling tired after many hours of sleep or the sleep is not fulfilling, difficulty in concentrating or focus, memory issues in retaining or recalling information, feeling dizzy when getting up from bed or from sitting to a standing position, sore throat, headaches, muscle and joint pain, presence of prominent lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, irritable bowel syndrome, and/or fibromyalgia. The symptoms might appear less threatening, but complications can have a far-reaching impacts such as disturbance in lifestyle, reduction in productivity and performance, withdrawal reaction, depression, and anxiety.


The actual singular cause of the disease is yet unknown, and health experts assume that it could be due to a single trigger or a combination of other stimulating factors. If any of the following symptoms persist for a couple of days, it is likely time to consult a doctor.

Viral Infections
Many patients reported a surge in CFS after having viral infections. Based on the nature and number of cases, the viruses that may have a connection with CFS are the Epstein virus and herpes virus.
Physical and Mental Stressors
An injury, a surgical procedure, or emotional or psychological trauma could initiate the symptoms of CFS.
Weak Immune System
People with CFS tend to have weak immunity as one of the reasons for the disease.
Hormone Imbalance
People could suffer from an imbalance of hormones secreted by the pituitary, adrenal, and/or hypothalamus glands.

Controlling CFS

Due to a lack of information regarding what causes CFS, there is no single definite approach to treatment. A combination of various modalities that may help deal with symptoms include:

A common method of treatment, medications can provide relief for symptoms in the beginning phase. Medicines however may lose their efficacy with the passing the time, and long-term use of medicines can instigate other body issues due to their side effects. Nonetheless, certain types of medicines may help to address issues at various levels including:
  • Depression since CFS can induce mild to severe depression among patients, and treating depression can help patients improve sleep and cope with the symptoms with high spirits.
  • Cardiovascular health since CFS patients may feel dizzy and nauseated when they sit or stand due to orthostatic intolerance which may have something to do with blood pressure or heart rhythms.
  • Pain which may result in a doctor recommendation for an over-the-counter or prescription medicine to treat such pain linked with fibromyalgia or CFS.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Therapeutic sessions are highly effective for people with CFS. Counseling from an expert helps to find coping methods for symptoms, manage social life, and deal with depression and sleep problems. Although doing physical activity is difficult for CFS patients, a minimal level of activity can help prevent deconditioning and maintain a balance between activity and rest.
Alternative Treatments
Alternative and complementary treatments such as red light therapy at home, acupuncture, mind-body relaxation techniques, massage, chiropractic treatments, electromagnetic stimulation techniques, and dietary supplementation, can be useful for individuals with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a currently popular form of treatment as it can help relieve the discomforts of CFS. The key benefit is that it improves blood circulation and oxygenation. PEMF devices send pulses of electromagnetic waves throughout the body. These waves penetrate layers of skin, muscles, tissues, and cells, where they trigger mitochondria to produce maximum energy for better health. These types of devices are available at the healthyline outlet.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can deter your emotional, mental, and physical health and may interfere with your professional and social life. Although CFS can hinder individuals from performing day-to-day activities, many resources are available to help regain lost joy with qualified treatment.


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