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Supporting Someone Who is Having an Unplanned Pregnancy

Consider these basic things that you can do to make sure that they feel supported and loved.

Supporting Someone Who is Having an Unplanned Pregnancy

When someone you know finds out they are pregnant and it is not planned, it can be difficult for them. They may feel scared, alone, or ashamed. However, being there for them and supporting them through this time is essential. Consider these ways that you can help someone who is having an unplanned pregnancy.

Be a Listening Ear

The most important thing you can do is be there for them. Listen to them, and tell them that you support whatever decision they make. If they need help making a decision, offer to help research their options or go with them to appointments. Be respectful of their privacy and don't pressure them into sharing more than they're comfortable with.

Help With Difficult Decisions

This means being available to talk to, giving them a shoulder to cry on, and helping with practical tasks like childcare or getting to appointments. You can also give them space if they need it and respect their decisions. Suppose you see that they are struggling to make a decision; you can consider using a support group like Embrace Grace. So often, it can be difficult for someone to make a decision when they feel like they are alone. Joining a support group can help them feel not as isolated, and Give a Love Box is a great way to show you care.

Help With Meals or Groceries

If the person is struggling to afford food, offer to help out with grocery shopping or cooking. You could also consider starting a meal train where friends and family can sign up to bring prepared meals. This can take a lot of stress off the pregnant person and help them focus on their health and the baby.

Assist With Everyday Tasks

You can also offer to help with childcare if the person already has other children. This can give them much-needed time to rest or care for themselves. If you have some free time, offer to run errands for the person or help around the house. Taking some everyday tasks off their plate can make a big difference. You can still help by sending care packages if you live far away which could include items like pregnancy books, snacks, and self-care items. You could also send gift cards to help with expenses. A simple text or call to check in can also go a long way. Letting the person know you are thinking of them can make a big difference.

Spread Positivity

One of the best things you can do for your loved one is to spread positivity. This situation may feel overwhelming and scary, but it is essential to remember that options and resources are available. Focus on the support you can offer and be there for your loved ones as they make this decision. If you are unsure what to say or do, try asking your loved ones how they feel and what they need from you. Every situation is different, so it is essential to be respectful and understand whatever your loved one is going through. Above all, remember that your love and support can make a difference for someone facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Take to Doctor's Appointments

It can be beneficial for someone facing an unplanned pregnancy to have a support system. If you are close to the person, offer to go with them to their doctor's appointments. This way, they will have someone there to help them understand what is happening and provide emotional support.

Do Some Research

If you're unsure how to best support your friend or family member, start by researching. Many resources are available, both online and in-person, that can help you learn more about what your loved one is going through. Additionally, talking to other people in similar situations can be helpful. They can offer insight and advice based on their own experiences.

Ensure They Are Informed

One of the most important things you can do for someone having an unplanned pregnancy is to help make sure that they are well informed about what's to come. This means providing them with accurate information about their options and emotionally preparing them for the challenges they may face.

It can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to supporting someone who is facing an unplanned pregnancy. However, there are some basic things that you can do to make sure that they feel supported and loved.


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