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Electronic Equipment Recycling Techniques

In recent years, technological waste has grown exponentially worldwide and the level of recycling is still very low.

Electronic Equipment Recycling Techniques

Recycling is the a great way to manage and reduce waste generated in cities, and it also prevents pollution in the environment. Recycling can be understood as a hobby and even an art form. In recent years, technological waste has grown exponentially worldwide, and the level of recycling is still very low as confirmed by the waste management company Junk Bunk Ltd. But two technology recycling techniques have been created that breathe new life into obsolete electronics; modification and hacking are being developed by many people in the world.

Ecological hacking aims to rehabilitate and repair old, damaged, obsolete and decomposed materials to give them a new use. This technique can be used on the whole computer, solely some parts, or for external accessories. Modding is the art of personalizing the accessories and components of an electronic device using unconventional parts or structures to achieve a design very different from the normal one but with the same functions as a conventional computer. It can cover hardware but also computer software.

Objects can be created from scratch with recycled components so that they provide the computer with all the parts needed to make it work. These two recycling techniques are gaining use by individuals all over the world who gather to hold tournaments, meetings, and conferences where ideas and creations are shared. People who practice them believe in recycling materials and reviving discarded parts and objects; so they adapt, modify, and rebuild items so that they can be useful again.

For some, it is a hobby; and for others, it is a way to reduce technology and costs for certain technological devices. Creativity and a love for recycling are often the catalyst for the development of truly incredible tools; not only because of design, but also because of effective function. This type of technique is important as it can help low-income sectors gain access to computers at a low cost. Both techniques offer a great deal of developmental freedom while extending the life of components and materials to reduce the level of electronic waste.


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