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5 Tips for Being Mindful and Loving Your Life

Consider these tips that can help you create a life for yourself from which you will never need a vacation.

5 Tips for Being Mindful and Loving Your Life

How can you love the life that you live? There's a saying that you should create a life for yourself that you never need a vacation from, but this can be easier said than done. The tips below can help you build that life.

Consider Your Values

Your first step should be to identify what is important to you. This can be tough because it's easy to be influenced by what other people think you should consider important. You need to drill down into your own values and figure out what matters most to you. With this in mind, you can complete the exercise below.

Review Your Days

How do you spend your time? If you are like most, you spend a lot of it doing things you don't particularly want to do. Some of those things are means to an end, such as working at a job you don't love in order to provide for your family and afford the things that you want. Others, such as parenting, might not feel great 100% of the time but are important to your overall value system. You should make a two-column list with your values in one column and how you spend your time in the other and decide if you are using that time wisely. Most likely, you will find some filler in there, time spent on tasks or with people that don't help you live your values. You may want to consider how you can change that.

Think About Your Career

You might want to think about whether you would rather have a job that better reflects your values. If a career change seems like the right move, it may be necessary to go back to school to get the necessary qualifications. This can be daunting if you have been working for a while, but you can go back part time. Taking online classes can help you fit it in around other obligations. Having Earnest private student loans available can be a great way to pay for your education and can supplement other sources of funding for your education including federal aid, grants, and scholarships.

Deepen Your Relationships

Your connections with other people are an important part of what makes life meaningful. Those people can be family or friends. If you are looking to deepen your relationship with anyone, there are a few things you can do. Make time for them, work on genuinely listening to the things they tell you, and share your own vulnerabilities. Spend time with them doing inconsequential fun things as well as doing things that are more meaningful, and take the time to call them or send them a message during the day.

Be Mindful

Paying attention to others is important, but it's also important to pay attention to yourself. Mindfulness means taking time to pause, breathe, and notice what is going on around you. Use your five senses. Mindfulness helps you be more present in the moment and slow down your reaction to things. It allows you to be more cognizant of the passing of time and to appreciate what is happening right now instead of always being anxious about the future or the past.


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