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Celebrities Who Took a Break From Social Media

When the limelight and attention becomes too much, some stars take a break from interacting with people to live their private lives in peace.

Celebrities Who Took a Break From Social Media

It is human nature to get tired of a monotonous routine and crave a break or a change. Sometimes the daily life routine becomes overwhelming, and human beings need an escape once in a while. Celebrities, stars, and well-known personalities are no different; and there often comes a stage when the stardom, limelight, and attention becomes too much to handle. So they occasionally take a break from social media and other modes of interaction with people to live their private lives in peace.

Katarina Miketin, Selena Gomez, Justin Beiber, and even reality show queen Kim Kardashian have taken a break from social media. It is very easy to troll people online, and celebrities are suseptible to developing mental health issues or starting to crumble under pressure. It is best for them to simply take a much-needed hiatus from social media and make a comeback once they are more able to handle the pressure with sanity. These celebrities were compelled to take a break from social media and bounce back later.

Katarina Miketin

Katarina Miketin is an ex-Maxim cover girl whose claim to fame is dating NFL coach Mike Zimmer. The couple started dating in a hush-hush manner but she was excessively trolled when she started sharing pictures and snippets from their personal lives. Katarina Miketin made her Instagram account silent for quite some time until the trolling subsided a bit. The model hailing from Serbia announced that she stopped posting because of personal reasons as she was trying hard to juggle her life between her newfound role in sports and her celebrity life. She often posts her pictures from the football fields where she is often spotted cheering for the team.

Justin Bieber

The famous pop star deleted his Instagram entirely back in the year 2016 after continuously receiving harshly crude comments in the comment section of his pictures. He warned his followers before deactivating his account. He made a comeback on the social media platform after a break of five months once the storm of trolling had settled down a bit.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has an on-and-off relationship with media personnel, journalists, and online trolls. She has always been in the news despite being one of the most followed celebrities on Instagram. Selena Gomez deactivated her Instagram account in 2018 and made a comeback after almost a year. She even confessed that it is very normal for her to frequently delete her Instagram from her phone in order to maintain peace in her life and avoid toxicity and negativity in the comment section of her posts and pictures.


Normani was compelled to take a break from Twitter after intense online bullying by fans who accused her of racism which prompted her to delete her account. She did make a comeback after a few months, and took the initiative to formulate a law against cyberbullying.

Elizabeth Olsen

The younger sister of the famous Olsen twins made her own mark in Hollywood through her remarkable work. Nonetheless, she faced intense criticism and was bashed immensely by online users. Elizabeth Olsen is not an ardent user of social media, but online users spammed her social platforms badly making her delete her accounts to stop the toxicity seeping into her life.

Celebrities maintain a certain threshold level of combating stressful situations, but many crumble under the pressure and choose to delete their social media accounts to take a much-needed break. This is very normal and at times necessary to gain back sanity and focus on their work.


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