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6 Tips for Being a Great Prom Date

Get the most out of this special night by making sure that you are well prepared for the event both physically and emotionally.

6 Tips for Being a Great Prom Date

Prom night is a special event in a young person's life, so it is important to make the evening memorable. This can be done by making sure that you are well prepared for the event—both physically and emotionally. While there are many tips and tricks, consider these six recommendations on how to be a great prom date.

Get Tickets Early

If you plan to attend prom, be sure to acquire your tickets early. Getting your tickets early helps to support your school's prom committee, and your crush might be waiting to ask you to the prom until he or she can purchase a ticket for you. Buying tickets in advance can also save you a lot of money. If you decide not to attend at the last minute, you can always sell your ticket to a less prepared classmate, which is a win-win situation.

Pick an Impressive Outfit

One of the most important aspects of getting ready for prom is finding the perfect outfit. You want to make sure that you pick something that is both stylish and flattering. How you dress will also depend on the theme of the prom, so make sure to do your research in advance. Try shopping around in advance to find the best deals on prom dresses, shoes, and accessories like gold bracelets and statement jewelry. Try them out first to make sure they fit well and are comfortable to wear. If you buy online, make sure your outfit arrives at least one month early, so that you can have enough time to return back to change if it doesn't suit you well. The confidence you feel in your outfit will show in your demeanor, so make sure you are happy with what you choose. Accessorize your outfit with matching jewelry, a pretty clutch, and your favorite perfume. If you are wearing heels, practice walking in them around your house so that you don't end up stumbling on the dance floor.

Get Hair and Makeup Done Professionally

On prom night, you will undoubtedly want to look your best. A great way to do that is by getting your hair and makeup done professionally. Not only does this ensure that the results will be flawless, but it also shows that you care about looking good on one of the most important nights of your life. Your date will likely be impressed by your efforts, and you may even score some extra points for being so thoughtful.

Arrive on Time

This may seem like common courtesy, but it is still important to arrive on time for your prom date. Not only will this make a good impression, but it will also give you some extra time to get settled and comfortable before the night gets underway. If you are running late, be sure to call or text your date so that they don't think you stood them up.

Be a Good Conversationalist

A big part of being a perfect prom date is being a good listener and conversationalist. This means that you should be interested in what your date has to say and should make an effort to keep the conversation flowing. Avoid controversial topics and try to steer the conversation toward things that you both have in common. Be sure to give your date plenty of attention and ask them questions about themselves, their interests, and their hobbies.

Display Your Appreciation

Finally, the most important tip is to simply let your date know how much they mean to you. A genuine compliment or a few cute words and charming phrases can go a long way. This is their night too, after all, so make sure they feel like the most special person in the world. You can do this by telling them how great they look, how much fun you're having, or simply by saying thank you for being your date.

By following these tips, you are almost sure to have the perfect prom night with your date. Just relax and enjoy yourself—and don't forget to take plenty of pictures!


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