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How to Organically Build Your Backlink Profile

Building backlinks can make a website look more appealing to search engine algorithms and to new leads entering the sales funnel.

How to Organically Build Your Backlink Profile

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about far more than just hitting keyword targets and making sure that pages load fast enough. Off-page tactics are just as important, and building a backlink profile is arguably the most essential component. Building backlinks can make a website look more appealing not just to search engine algorithms but also to new leads about to enter the sales funnel. Find out how to organically build a quality backlink profile.

What Is a Natural Backlink?

Before going into any specific actions that business owners can take, it's worth clarifying what a natural backlink is and how it works. While there's no unanimously accepted definition, SEO experts agree that natural backlinks are surrounded by natural content that is relevant to the target page, offer valuable information to readers, and contain meaningfully integrated anchor text. There is much debate among those seeking to build SEO backlinks as to whether it's appropriate to pursue natural backlinks. For the current purpose, assume that it is as long as it's done in the right way.

Offer Value Instead of Asking for Favors

There's a difference between outreach that focuses on asking for backlinks and offering value to someone who is actually interested in the topic. It's important for the link to be placed on a website, in a post, and in a context that makes it clear to search algorithms that it is relevant and adds value. The only difference between this strategy and a 100% organic approach is that, instead of waiting for the right person to happen upon a stellar post, the site owner reaches out and directs him or her to it without necessarily asking for anything in return. Given that even the best content won't help to boost a page's ranking unless other people link to it, there's no harm in drawing attention to high-value articles.

Learn the Art of the Guest Post

Guest posting is one of the most valuable tools for site owners who want to build their backlink profiles. It involves creating high-quality content that is relevant to another website's purpose or intent, adding a backlink to the target page, and offering the article as a guest post on the external site. The most critical aspect of this process is reaching out to the right people. It's fine to pay for the privilege of posting, as that falls into a grey area as far as Google is concerned. However, the money will be wasted if the guest post is not placed on a site that is both relevant and authoritative.

Join the Conversation

Business owners can also find ways to link back to their sites in the comments sections of other web pages, on forums, and on social media. It's best not to prioritize this type of backlink, though, as spamming the comments sections can be viewed as a black hat SEO tactic. Google will recognize these backlinks, but the algorithm will also penalize site owners who abuse the privilege.

Know When to Hire a Professional

Building backlinks can be tough work. It takes time, experience, and a good understanding of what search engine algorithms are looking for when it comes to authority, relevance, and other essential factors. Business owners who don't have the time to write posts, reach out to other industry leaders, comment on blogs, and maintain social media pages themselves are better off reaching out for professional help.


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