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4 Tips to Know as a Beginner Golfer

This sport is a great way to exercise, make friends, and improve business relationships simultaneously.

4 Tips to Know as a Beginner Golfer

The National Golf Foundation states that there were 24.8 million golfers in America in 2020. This surge in golf's popularity is hardly surprising given that this sport is a great way to exercise, make friends, and improve business relationships simultaneously. Golf is undoubtedly one of the hardest sports to play, so there is a lot to learn and perfect as a beginner. However, there are several tips you can rely on to sharpen your understanding of the game and be less intimidated on the golf course. Try out these four tips that can help you as a beginner golfer.

Invest in the Right Equipment

Golf is a stylish sport with many fancy pieces of equipment and cool gear. The equipment you use can make or break your golfing experience, and the right gear for the sport will only help you enjoy your best game. A day at the golf course is all about casual comfort, so invest in a great hat, jacket, gloves, collared shirt, pants, socks, and shoes. In addition, purchase golf balls, golf clubs with good golf grips that fit your swing, tees, and ball markers. You can also invest in lightweight golf bags with an electric golf trolley to carry your golf balls, gloves, extra clothing, sunscreen, and business cards.

Work Hard on the Basics

Beginner golfers often put the cart before the horse when learning how to swing their golf clubs. Indeed, it is tempting to start working on advanced swing techniques before even mastering the basics in a rush to play at the highest level. However, there are no shortcuts to success in golf, so it is vital to put in the necessary effort to master swing basics. The first rudiment to master is your grip since it is crucial to have a comfortable but firm connection between your hands and the golf club. Then, work on your balance and perfect an athletic but relaxed stance during your driving range sessions. New golfers also struggle with tempo, so you should work on swinging the club in an unhurried fashion to become a better ball striker.

Take Golf Lessons

It is estimated that 4 million American golfers took a formal lesson in 2019 alone, and many more beginner golfers are likely taking informal lessons from their more experienced golfing friends. Consequently, consider investing in a one-on-one lesson from a local golf professional instead of solely relying on golf instructions from the internet or TV. You can even take golf lessons with different teachers before deciding who to partner with on an ongoing basis. Your golf coach will work with you on many of the game's fundamentals like tempo and grip. Taking golf lessons with a pro can be particularly effective because it is helpful to have an experienced player watching you practice while pointing out your errors in real time.

Start on the Practice Range

The full golf range seems like an ideal place to start enjoying your golfing. However, if you aren't experienced with swinging a club, you will only make yourself and other golfers on the range extremely frustrated. Therefore, start sharpening your skills at a practice range until you are comfortable enough. At this range, you can hit as many balls as you want and stay as long as you wish without any pressure to skip a hole. Then, you can transition to the full range after completing your basic training.

Ultimately, golf is meant to be fun—no matter whether you are diligently focused on practicing the right technique or just enjoying a weekend game with friends while jamming to your favorite music playing from Bluetooth golf cart speakers at Fiddler's Creek Golf. Either way, golf is a game that has been enjoyed by many people for many years.


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