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5 Exercises You Can Do With Your Dog

Exercising with your dog can help you build your relationship and form stronger bonds.

5 Exercises You Can Do With Your Dog

Your dog is a loyal companion, your therapist, your best friend, and ... your exercise partner? Yep! Learning a few workouts you can do with your pup can keep the both of you in shape. You might be surprised at some fun activities you can end up doing together.

Go Trail Running Together

Most dogs love running on trails with the sun on their fur, and there is so much to smell in nature! Running is great exercise, and it can also significantly improve your mental health. Your dog may also be a huge contributing factor to better mental health. lf you think that your pet is part of the reason you can get up and exercise, you may be able to complete your official emotional support animal registration (ESA). Put on those running shoes and take on the great outdoors with your furry buddy.

Stretch and Do Calisthenics

The main attraction of an individual stretching routine or personal calisthenics is that perfection is thrown out the window. This is a practice meant to focus on laughter and light-heartedness. Some dogs will try to match every pose their owner is doing, while others will walk over you; but no matter what happens, you will get down to their level and play together while still having an opportunity to stretch.

Let Your Dog Walk You

If your daily walks are becoming a bit too routine, change the dynamic of the walk. You might head toward the same park every day; but if your pooch catches a smell and ends up on a fresh path, feel encouraged to follow it as long as you can. It might take a few trips for your dog to get the confidence to lead, but it can be a healthy activity to allow their brain to control their own critical thinking. Put on your best walking shoes; they might take you on an unexpected journey.

Play With a Frisbee

Increase your heart rate and get the blood pumping while honing your dog's agility skills all at once with this tried-and-true dog-friendly game. According to Terrier Hub, learning to catch the Frisbee opens up a world of play between the two of you. If you get good enough, you may want to participate in one of the many competitive freestyle dog Frisbee competitions across the world. Elevate your play by involving another human and play a modified version of monkey in the middle. Herding dogs like Border Collies tend to love chasing the disc back and forth with no real intention of catching it.

Create an Inter-Species Obstacle Course

Setting up tires (or hula-hoops), jumps, ramps, and more will create a fun and challenging course that you can run together. Anxious dogs get myriad benefits from practicing these trials, and humans will get a great workout trying to keep up. If your pup is having a tough time understanding the obstacle course, then you should walk them on a leash carefully through every step until they get the hang of it. Some dogs will be faster than others at picking it up. The ultimate goal is to have the dog follow the course on your command; but if you aren't headed to time competition any time soon, it is fine to be casual and take it easy.

A man's best friend is there to help you make it through every day, so why not exercise together as well? Couple this with interactive time together and pet treats as well as hypoallergenic pet food, and your relationship will build up over time. No matter whether you're spending time with a cute little kitten or you have an older animal from a pet rescue, you can form stronger bonds as you and your loveable animal become increasingly healthy and happy while playing together.


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