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Why Sigma 7 Is Essential for the Production Process

Yaskawa has developed several servo drives, and the company has focused on achieving some key goals.

Why Sigma 7 Is Essential for the Production Process

You may be familiar with the name Yaskawa, a well-known company which produces the popular Yaskawa amplifier. Founded in 1915, the prominent company has continued to expand worldwide and currently employs about 7,000 workers who help serve global customers. Over the years, Yaskawa has developed several products to help other industries flourish and achieve better production including the development of several Sigma-7 servo drives. Today, Yaskawa is focused on achieving three main goals including achieving continuous running speed, achieving high-quality production, and reaching maximum operational reliability. The Sigma-7 compact servo gearboxes (200 V Series and 400 V Series) cover a big part of the power from 50W to 15kW in several formats with large motors providing continuous torque up to 95Nm and peak torque of 224 Nm. It offers the support required by workers in the field of construction of production engineering machines in our time. It also provides help for workers who use the equipment in factories during the stages of packaging, manufacturing, making digital printers, wood processing, and other works. Servo drives are available with built-in EtherCAT and Mechatrolink3 connections, with connection options to follow.

Over the past 25 years, and with more than 15 million servo axes in operation globally, Yaskawa has extensive experience helping those interested in maximizing the efficiency and delivery of their equipment. The best proof of this is Sigma-7 servo which offers many features and benefits. Among those features and benefits is the ability to quickly set up in less than three minutes as a result of pre-setting in the amplifier program to make the operation process simpler. This avoids a lot of complicated transactions and does not require specialized knowledge in control equipment. It also all happens automatically to ensure that everything goes as planned. Many specialists put high energy efficiency among their top priorities and are looking to achieve it, so the Sigma-7 engine is designed to run at lower heat. The coupling of the axes with DC power allows participation and energy savings of about 30 percent. Drives free up space without compromising performance, and the housing design supports the side-by-side installation of the amplifiers. The Sigma-7 drivers can also help the end under produce products at low costs, with several features such as speed loop bandwidth of 3.1kHz, shorter settling period, and a decreased positioning period leading to higher production.

Sigma-7 drivers also provide the best possible accuracy due to a 24-bit ultimate encrypter leading to a resolution of 16 million pulses per revolution to achieve super-accurate positioning. This is added to a quick, easy procedure along with features including ripple compensation to encounter the very high desires for smoothness and dynamics, even for implementations in which speed loop gains cannot be set high. Plus, these drives are made to meet the fundamental security recommendations to guarantee that they are okay with nowadays popular safety standards. For example, the STO task is applied by default in all Sigma-7 servos so they abide by the needs of the SIL 3 and PL-e; while the security functions SS1, SS2, and SLS can be incorporated through utilizing the security module.

For additional information about this topic, visit MRO Electric and Supply Company.


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