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5 Reasons to Promote a Business Event on Instagram

The platform is not only a great way to market a business, but it is also a good way to find continued growth by gaining new followers.

5 Reasons to Promote a Business Event on Instagram

When it comes to social media, there are many platforms to choose from; and when it comes to getting the most benefits for your business, Instagram can be a great way to go. With services like Earthweb's recommended Instagram bots and other growth services, your business success may be enhanced. If you are hosting a major upcoming event and are looking for new and innovative ways to reach your target audience, you might find Instagram to be one of the most effective channels. According to The Small Business Blog, there are 1.38 billion users on Instagram, so it's a platform that can't be ignored. Therefore, you may widh to consider these three reasons that your event should be on Instagram.

Reach a Large Global Community

Events are often intended to be shared far and wide with as many people as possible. Sharing information with Instagram's global community is a great way for event coordinators and event planners to market a business or brand. Not only that, but it is also one of the best ways to find growth on the platform and gain new followers.

Showcase Your Photos and Videos

Events are often very special experiences that people want to cherish and share with the world. Often a lot of work and effort goes into event production; and since you don't want this to go unnoticed, showcasing your event on Instagram can be beneficial. With so many different channels and features to post and share content with audiences, the visual platform allows you to share both videos and photos as well as text through multiple means in order to reach a wide demographic and a multitude of different people across the board.

Build Excitement Before the Event

Leading up to the big day, you will want to build up excitement and share event detals so as to encourage as many people as possible to join. Instagram is a perfect platform to help you do this. For example, if you are hosting a market or a food truck festival, can can spread the news without having to spend much money (or any money at all) by encouraging people to follow the event as it happens. This will also encourage more people to attend your event because content like this can be shared over and over leading up to the day.

Share Insights and Behind-the-Scenes Moments

Something that people wouldn't normally share when it comes to traditional marketing or branding is insights or behind-the-scenes moments from events. Social media, Instagram in particular, is a place where you can become more personable and better connected. People want to know that you are more than just an account sharing photos and pictures; they want to see who is behind it all and the process of planning the event as well.

Share Highlights and Memories

Not only can you take advantage of Instagram to promote your event leading up to the day, but you can also keep the momentum going by sharing highlights and memories from the event as well. For this, you can utilize all sorts of different features from your reels to your stories and even to your main feed as a way to show off the day of the event and potentially even encourage people to come back for the next one.


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