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Cosmetic Surgery Options Trending in Houston, Texas

While good genes definitely play a part when it comes to good looks, having access to cosmetic procedures can definitely be a great benefit too.

Cosmetic Surgery Options Trending in Houston, Texas

Although Houston is not the capital of Texas, it is known for many things including its livestock and rodeo shows, its vibrant theater and art scene, and its plethora of good-looking residents. While good genes definitely play a part when it comes to good looks, having access to a fitness coach, med spa, and some of the top plastic surgeons in the country is definitely of great benefit too. This is particularly true when it comes to taking advantage of the top cosmetic surgery trends that are taking the city by storm. From breast augmentation and Lipo 360 to ear pinning, here's a closer look at just three procedures predicted to trend this year.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation procedures will once again be a top trend this year as more women make the decision to enhance the size, volume, and shape of their breasts, with breast reconstruction after a mastectomy also counting as an augmentative procedure. In fact, breast augmentation is by far the most popular cosmetic procedure to be performed across the USA with more than 300,000 procedures being performed annually. Surgery is typically prepared under general anesthetic and recovery can take anywhere from three days to three weeks. If you are looking for one of the best doctors to perform breast augmentation and other plastic surgeries in Houston, search for someone who is preferably double board-certified and familiar with the latest advances in plastic surgery.

Lipo 360 is Skyrocketing in Popularity

Many people, regardless of leading a healthy lifestyle, struggle to get rid of stubborn back, belly, and side fat. It is for this very reason that body sculpting procedures and liposuction continue to skyrocket in popularity. Whereas traditional liposuction only targets a specific area, Lipo 360 does exactly what the name suggests; it is performed in a 360-degree area to address excess fat in the abdomen, the back, and around the waist. As a result, the entire waistline is significantly smoother while the overall silhouette and shape of the body is enhanced. Lipo 360 is considered to be a very safe outpatient procedure with a swift and complication-free recovery process.

Ear Pinning is a Red-Hot Trend

Although ear pinning procedures used to be mostly reserved for middle school children, it has become a red-hot trend among adults over the past two years. There is much speculation about why the ear pinning trend has gained so much traction over the past two years, in particular. Two of the most common theories revolve around masks pulling on our ears, forcing us to pay attention to them, and Zoom meetings and other video calls making us hyper-aware of our appearance. Regardless of the reason, Texan plastic surgeons are getting more requests for adult ear pinning procedures than ever before. The procedure, which only takes about 30 minutes per ear, can be done in the doctor's room under local anesthetic or in the operating theater under general anesthetic.

A variety of cosmetic procedures are predicted to trend this year including orthodontics and laser skin care; and with many superb orthodontists and plastic surgeons to choose from in Houston, you can rest assured that your health and well-being is likely to be in good hands.


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