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5 Things to Know About Horse Rugs

If you're armed with the knowledge of how and why you should rug your horse, you can do your best to keep a well-cared-for horse.

5 Things to Know About Horse Rugs

Whether you've been rugging your horse for years or are a newbie with questions that need answering, many available online resources can offer expert guidance and give you details about horse rugs in order to help you gain confidence when rugging your horse.

Types of Rugs

There are two main types of horse rugs: turnout and stable. A turnout rug is designed to be worn by your horse when it's outside so as to protect it in any weather. A stable rug, like the name suggests, is purely worn inside the stable. There are also other rug types that you may not use as much such as fleece and cooler rugs. A fleece rug can be used as a light rug or an under rug, and a cooler rug can be used while your horse is cooling down after exercise.

Rug Weights

Rugs come in different weights as well as different sizes. There are lightweight, mediumweight, and heavyweight rugs to choose from; and your choice will vary depending on the season and your climate. A lightweight rug is better for warmer weather as it doesn't cause your horse to overheat, but it still provides a small layer of warmth and protection. A heavyweight rug offers the most warmth of all rugs and should be used in freezing temperatures. You might prefer to use a heavyweight stable rug when the temperature dips the most and your horse is most likely to become cold at night. A mediumweight rug can be perfect for seasons like spring and autumn, as they provide your horse with enough warmth and also keep them dry during rainier seasons.

Waterproof Rugs

Making sure a rug is waterproof is probably the best thing you can do when looking for a new rug. The weather can be unpredictable, and you don't want your horse to be caught out in a sudden shower leaving them with a damp, uncomfortable rug. When you clean your rugs, you can also reproof them each time using products specifically designed for this. Reproofing them will not only increase their longevity but ensure your horse is well protected at all times.

Cleaning the Rug

Some horse rugs are machine compatible, so you can brush them off beforehand and pop them into your regular washer. However, you mustn't use your normal detergent as this can not only damage the rug but cause skin problems for your horse. You can find specific rug cleaners which will clean and protect the rug. Alternatively, you can brush the rug off and soak it in warm water with a rug cleaner. Then brush it off again and rinse it to ensure all stains, smells, and soaps are gone.

Using the Rug

Horses are outside a lot of the time, and this means they're exposed to the weather a lot more than other animals. By ensuring they're adequately rugged for the day, you can be certain that they're comfortable. If it was a freezing cold day with torrential downpours, you'd make sure you were layered up to stay warm and dry, and the same goes for your horse. You want to keep them as protected from the elements as you can, and rugging them provides an easy way of doing just that.

It's up to you to decide which rug they need for the day, as they can't tell you if they're feeling too hot or cold. You know your horse best and will be able to tell if something's not quite right. But if you're armed with the knowledge of how and why you should rug your horse, you can be certain you're doing your very best to keep a well-cared-for horse.


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