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Essential Home Improvement Ideas for a Great ROI

Consider these areas to focus your efforts on and exciting ideas to add to the functionality and aesthetics of your home.

Essential Home Improvement Ideas for a Great ROI

More homeowners are investing in home improvement projects of late, and statistics indicate that Americans will likely invest $430 billion in the latter half of the year to renovate their properties. Considering that the average home recently gained $56,700 in equity, real estate prices are likely to appreciate and offer a rich return on investment (ROI). So, what areas would you want to focus your efforts on? Consider these exciting ideas to add to the functionality and aesthetics of your home.

Build an Outdoor Deck or Patio

Current trends are leaning toward spending more time outdoors, and building a deck or patio is the way to go. Surveys show that people are looking to expand their square feet area by at least 8%, and an outdoor deck is just the space for spending time with friends and family. Experts designing patios can provide customized plans to match your needs. For instance, you could create a work-from-home office or set up a seating area for entertaining or relaxing. Depending on the floor area you have available and the scope of the complete transformation, you could also enlist the help of a fence company or include amenities like glass pool fencing, a full-service kitchen, bar, fireplace, and heating solutions to ensure the spaces are usable in all weather conditions.

Upgrade Your Kitchen

Contemporary kitchens are the hub of the house where the family gathers to prep, cook, and serve meals. Modern-day kitchen designs are centered around a single focal point and integrate triangular placements to save on cooking and cleaning up times. With the assistance of professional architects, you'll ensure that your household hub is stylish and functional, with adequate space for cutting-edge appliances and smart storage. Think lots of cabinets along with a coffee maker, microwave, and blender for making smoothies. Hot pots to lower cooking time, high-grade cookware, and a set of sharp knives should make your list of must-haves. Families are all about nutritious, home-cooked meals, and their kitchens should be organized to make that possible. Another smart move is to open up the floor plan by combining the dining and kitchen areas or unifying multiple levels with spacious stairways and a glass balustrade.

Bring the Outdoors Indoors

Having indoor greenery and foliage is a great way to liven up your interiors while contributing to lower stress levels and a relaxed psyche. Homeowners who lack a green thumb or the time to maintain live plants can now get the full benefits with synthetic plants. Artificial vertical gardens can be installed quickly and are available in a striking range of colors, mimicking real plants closely. They are easy to maintain and move with air currents naturally. Concerned about pollen allergies and bugs living in the soil? Eliminate all these issues by getting faux plants.

This year is all about new beginnings and home improvement projects. You'll not only refresh your home and add to its appeal, but also expect a great ROI.


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