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6 Reasons to Eat Less Red Meat

Eating less red meat allows you to have more room for other healthy foods such as vegetables and fish.

6 Reasons to Eat Less Red Meat

There always seem to be new reports coming out about what we should and shouldn't eat. The problem is that those reports are often debunked soon afterward, which can leave us feeling somewhat confused and unsure about what we should be eating to keep us in the best possible shape. When it comes to red meat, the reports all seem to be saying the same thing (and sticking to the information), so this is something we should consider. Those reports suggest that although red meat is good for us in small quantities—thanks to the amount of iron, protein, and B vitamins that it contains—if we eat too much of it, red meat can make us sick or at least prevent us from being as healthy as we could be. So if you've thought about cutting down on the amount of red meat we have in your diet, here are some excellent reasons to do so.

Reduced Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a serious issue that the medical world is constantly working on in order to find a cure or even just a way of reducing its impact. One of the things that many scientists who are studying this area have in common is their opinion on eating red meat—too much of it may actually increase your chances of developing some cancers including colorectal cancer in particular. Studies have shown that vegetarians have a 22% lower risk of this cancer overall when compared to those who eat plenty of red meat.

Increased Weight Loss

A rise in instances of obesity has created the issue that many people are often less able to live fulfilling lives due to declining health and mobility issues. Eating too much red meat can impact weight, so cutting some or all of it out of one's diet can be helpful when trying to shed excess pounds. Being overweight can lead to all sorts of health issues including type II diabetes, heart disease, gout (for which you can get gout medications online if you are really suffering), and much more. Eat healthily and maintaining a well-balanced diet can help with losing weight and feeling a lot better too.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol is associated with red meat among other things, so reducing the amount eaten can help cholesterol get back to normal levels. High cholesterol means that fatty deposits are settling in the arteries and thereby narrowing them. This means that less oxygen-rich blood can reach the heart and other important organs, thus causing them to stop working effectively or even to shut down altogether. It's far better to eat foods that are low in saturated fats and high in unsaturated fats such as avocados, vegetables and vegetable oils, and some nuts. Not only can this lower cholesterol, but it can also introduce more fiber into your diet and work toward keeping you a lot more healthy in general.

Decreased Grocery Bill

When you start really looking at the groceries you are purchasing or even the meals you are ordering when you are out, you may notice that red meats such as beef and particularly some cuts of steak are a lot more expensive than many vegetable-based dishes and chicken or turkey. When you start cutting down on the amount of red meat you are consuming each week, you'll likely notice a big difference in your grocery bills and how much food is left over at the end of the month.

Environmental Improvements

The processes used to get meat ready for human consumption take a lot of energy, and that's not a good thing for the environment. So if you eat less red meat and eat more vegetables (which don't need as many processes), you could be helping out. It may not be much when one person does it; but if everyone cut down just a little, the effect could be dramatic.

More Active Lifestyle

If you currently feel too full after meals even if you aren't eating that much, it could be due to the red meat on your plate as it tends to satiate more quickly than many other foods. This can sometimes, in turn, mean missing out on other nutrients because we're simply too full to eat enough of them. It can also make us feel heavy and uncomfortable which often leads to a decrease in activity which can begin a vicious circle.

Whenever you eat less red meat, you may then have more room for the things that are much better for you such as vegetables or fish. As a result, you'll likely be more active after a meal which is also good for your health.


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