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6 Ways to Support Your Introverted Partner

Consider ways to make your reserved partner feel supported and comfortable, without having to change everything.

6 Ways to Support Your Introverted Partner

Introversion is a widely recognized personality type, as tested with the Myers-Briggs method. It can come with a slightly misunderstood rep, and people assume that introverts can be antisocial, shy, or even sullen. However, this is definitely not the case; and introverts often have some fantastic qualities that make them very special partners. While being with an introverted person can be amazing, like any relationship there will be moments of difficulty, especially if you are an extrovert as you may have different communication styles. Consider these ideas to improve your relationship by making your reserved partner feel supported and comfortable, without having to change everything about yourself.

Be Accepting

One of the worst things you can do is to try and make your partner into someone they are not. Trying to totally change your partner absolutely will not work and it will damage your relationship in the process. It is important that you accept the person they are, even if it means that they don't like to socialize as much as you, spend time out the house as much as you, or voice their opinions in the same way that you do. As well as introversion, the Myers Briggs test discovers more in-depth personality traits such as Intuitive and Judging. Your partner may have an INTJ personality type, which could be very different from yours, meaning they may operate in a way that is unrelatable to you. If you love your partner, you should accept them for who they are and whatever foibles or quirks they come with, even if you don't always understand them. You must be accountable for how your actions have the potential to hurt them.

Be Encouraging

While it is important not to try and change your partner, guiding them outside of their shell and boosting their confidence is a definite plus in any relationship, introverted partners or not. Try and find ways to encourage them to be unapologetically themselves with compliments and words of kindness. However, try and avoid lavishing too much praise on an introvert in public otherwise it may cause them to clam up with shyness as they often hate being in the spotlight.

Make Them Feel Valued

Often introverts can feel overlooked in society, especially if they are surrounded by extroverts. That might even mean including yourself! By letting them know how much they mean to you and what about them you love, they will feel special and can embrace some of their introverted qualities. There are many strengths in introversion such as deeper connections with people, good emotional control, and being a good listener. All things that are valued in a relationship.

Stick by Their Side at Social Events

You may be in your element at parties or gatherings, but your partner will likely feel anxious and unhappy in the company of lots of strangers. Don't wander off and leave your other half unattended all night at a corporate shindig; stick by their side, or set them up in a conversation with someone they already know and feel comfortable with. Make sure they're not being forced to engage in small talk—an emotionally draining social situation that is usually an introvert's worst nightmare.

Give Them Space

While this may not feel like an act of support, giving your partner their own space is really important. This is especially key if you have had an argument or disagreement as they will need more time to process the situation than you. Check-in periodically with your other half, but don't crowd them constantly, as many introverts prefer to be more independent and have time to themselves. Keep calm and stop overcrowding.

Listen in Deep Communication

Introverts can sometimes come across as a little intense, but that is just because they value deeper connections with people. Lots of loose friends do not generally appeal to them, they tend to prefer to establish something less superficial and more real. It may be difficult for your partner to voice their thoughts and opinions, so make sure you are asking the correct probing questions and actually listening to their answers to help them open up. Keep your line of communication honest and convey your feelings as calmly and clearly as possible, which will encourage them to articulate their emotions in response. You can have a beautifully deep connection with your introverted partner, so long as you take the time to communicate properly with them.


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