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Managing a Fantasy Football Team as a Couple

Instead of simply looking forward to date nights out, watching football together and managing a fantasy team together can be exciting.

Managing a Fantasy Football Team as a Couple

It's pretty much a cliché at this point to think about how wives suffer through football season and give up on any notion of doing anything fun on a Sunday. They aren't called 'NFL widows' for nothing, after all. However, there is a way to make the situation work out for everyone involved. In fact, some married couples look forward to football season because they both play fantasy football. Instead of looking forward to date nights out, they can't wait for Sunday to be able to watch football and either manage a fantasy team together or go head to head with a sense of friendly competition. If you are looking for a fun way to get through football season together, then playing fantasy football might be fun for you. Consider these three ways to help keep things fresh in your marriage or relationship.

Draft Party

One of the best parts about playing fantasy football is the draft party where friends get together, have a few drinks, and eat some fun food like loaded nachos and buffalo wings. This very social event can be the catalyst of things being spiced up because it is also a competitive atmosphere. It's fun to organize certain aspects together and then host people that you love to be around as a couple. Doing the prior research for creating the team can bring you together before the draft happens, and coming up with a strategy together reinforces the bond of collaboration that made you a couple in the first place. Figuring out an NFL showdown strategy together is a great way to learn how to work together, compromise, and communicate so you can build a team together.

Common Goal

It's not often that two partners share each other's main interests or hobbies; but when it comes to fantasy football, you both share a goal and a common interest. Every week you come together and share in the fun of the moment and then sit back at the end of the day and dissect what went wrong and what went right for your team. The couples that do well with those types of collaborations are usually the ones that realize that they're in it together and work well with each other. Instead of placing blame for a bad pick for the roster that week, there can be a mutual agreement to learn together from the mistakes and try to do better next week.

Antisocially Social

These days, you can be online in your chatting platform of choice with the rest of the world during game time. The best part is that you can be with your partner to enjoy the competitive atmosphere while simultaneously trash-talking the other owners on the side on your own. In that way, it fulfills the need to be social without needing to be with a large group of people.


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