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A Simple Travel Preparedness Guide

The more organized you are for a potential travel emergency, the better equipped you will be to handle any critical consequences.

A Simple Travel Preparedness Guide

Although you may never experience a severe emergency when traveling, some tourists still occassionally face problems. The better informed and organized you are for such events, the less liekly you are to experience critical consequences. Be sure to research the destination ahead of time before you travel to any vacation spot dometically or abroad, take the time to analyze the area, and check out ongoing or current legal guidelines concerning safety. For instance, take into consideration these important tips before heading out on your journey.

Let Family Know Where You Are Going

No matter where you're traveling, it's essential that people close to you know where you are so that they get in touch with you if necessary. Bringing a satellite phone with you on your travels is a perfect way to ensure that you always have access to reliable communication irrespective of wherever you're traveling in the world.

Bring Emergency Cash or Credit Cards

You might have heard warnings about bringing cash with you on your travels; but the trouble with not bringing any cash is that if an emergency arrives, you won't have any source of money with you. So, if you're traveling, put a little bit of cash or a backup credit card in your room or some other secure place.

Make Copies of Important Documents

If an emergency should arise or you should misplace your passport or another important file, it is efficient to have copies of any essential files you might need while traveling. In the case you misplace or lose one, you'll be grateful that you have duplicates.

Consider Bringing a First Aid Kit

The type of first aid package that you'll need to bring with you may depend on the locatio to which you are traveling. If you're staying in a hotel, you may need some bandaids, allergy medicine, and pain/fever reducer. If you intend on being on a ship, you may need something for motion sickness. If your travels take you to an area that can not offer any first aid accommodations, you may need to carry a complete first aid box.

Check in With a Designated Person

Let your friends or family know where you're headed and select a designated person and set a time for regular check-ins. Send a brief text at the end of the day to a member of the family to allow them to be sure that you're safe. You may wish to ensure that a person is waiting for your communication and that you have have a back up plan in case you cannot attain service in a particular region.

Rent or Buy a Satellite Phone

Whether you plan on traveling somewhere in the United States or abroad, you must have a reliable source of communication. A satellite phone, such as the Iridium Extreme 9575, has worldwide communication abilities; so irrespective of where your travels take you, you'll be capable of communicating with friends, family, or emergency personnel if necessary. You can rent or buy a satellite phone from Satmodo, a satellite phone and data solutions store that offers an array of satellite cell phone and data options to keep you connected anytime and anywhere.

Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

Although it's unlikely that you will get lost in a desert or the jungle, it is always a good idea to be prepared with plenty of drinkable water. Carrying a reusable water bottle with a filter and regular clearing it out will not only save your money but it will also help the environment. Most people can live for three weeks without food; however, you'll best make it three days without water. Make sure that you never depart home without a reusable bottle and filter.

Take Multipurpose Gear

Packing multi-use gear lets you easily adjust to changing situations and helps reduce the quantity of clothing you want to take.


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