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5 Reasons to Take a Road Trip This Year

Being on the road, you enjoy a brand new type of trip and the freedom to go wherever you want to go.

5 Reasons to Take a Road Trip This Year

If there was ever a good time to road trip, it's now. Flying away on holiday is exciting, we'll give you that; but getting behind the wheel of your car without layovers, without itineraries, and without anyone telling you where you can go ... that's even more than exciting. Being on the road is will very likely ensure that you enjoy a brand new type of trip, and it's going to be fun to have the freedom to go wherever you want to go. A road trip could be the best thing that you do for yourself. You don't have to be beholden to anyone except for yourself, and you can load up the Volvo Penta and hit the open road without a true destination. It often comes down to preference when you go on vacation; and while flying gives you a broader scope, you can still drive clear across the country to get your travel bug off you. With this in mind, consider these reasons you should go on a road trip instead of flying away.

It's Cheaper

If you want to take a trip that allows you to fly to multiple destinations, you are going to end up spending a lot of money on airline tickets. When you road trip across the country, you're going to spend much less; and when you share the cost with others, it can be even cheaper than you think. The cost of airfare is going to far outweigh the cost of gas, and you can stop when you like. You can't do that in the sky.

You Cet to Choose the Entertainment

While long haul flights have inflight entertainment, you might not get those choices when you're on a short haul. Driving allows you to choose the music. You can put together playlists that make sense and that make you feel good. Each trip has a different vibe, which means you can curate your own playlists to suit you.

You Can Stop for Attractions

You can't stop the plane to get a good look at the clouds, but you can stop the car to look at the local attractions. You can plan your route through them come to think of it. If you want to deviate to the Grand Canyon, you absolutely can.

You'll Save Money on Baggage

You can either load the trunk of the car or load the roof; and either way, you don't have a limit on luggage and you don't have to worry about anyone telling you that you have to unpack your bag and leave your stuff elsewhere.

You Get to Be Flexible

When you road trip, you can dictate facets of the entire trip. From where you sleep to where you eat, you can be as flexible as you want to be on the road. You can leave early or late depending on how much sleep you need; and if you want to camp, you can.

Road tripping is easier, cheaper, and more free than any other mode of travel. Why not book your trip today?


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