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5 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

Coconut oil is a great product to use on your skin because it moisturizes, softens, and protects.

5 Ways to Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

Coconut oil is a go-to product for many people because it has so many uses. Did you know that coconut oil can also be used on your skin? It's true. Coconut oil contains fatty acids, which are necessary to keep our skin moisturized and healthy. The following five ways from Amanda Jo of Organic Bunny to use coconut oil for your skin will help you get started with this amazing product.


You can use coconut oil as a moisturizer for your skin. It works well on all skin types, and it doesn't take much to work up the desired effect. Just apply directly onto dry areas like hands, feet, elbows, or knees before you go to bed at night. You'll wake up with soft and hydrated skin in the morning.

SPF Protection

Coconut oil also has SPF protection, so don't forget that when spending time outside this summer. The sun's rays will be less able to penetrate through your sunscreen if you are using an adequate amount of coconut oil underneath. Make sure that you reapply sunscreen every few hours because neither product is meant to last under those conditions.

Facial Cleanser

People with dry skin can also use coconut oil as a facial cleanser. Massage the coconut oil onto your face and neck to cleanse away dirt, grime, and makeup residue. Then take some water on your hands and massage it into your face again to emulsify the product before rinsing it off completely. There are many benefits of using this method.

  • The fatty acids help remove impurities from deep within pores without leaving them overly dry which can lead to breakouts or flaking skin. There is no need for harsh chemicals, such as sulfates that are commonly found in commercial facial cleansers, which can strip your skin of its natural oils.

  • Coconut oil is antibacterial and thereby offers protection against bacteria while using the product. You won't likely experience irritation or redness on your face if you use coconut oil because there aren't any fragrances, additives, or added chemicals used to make it like other products.

Lip Moisturizer

Coconut oil can act as a protective barrier to lock moisture into the skin for hours without feeling greasy, allowing lips to remain hydrated throughout the day. This may be especially beneficial during winter months when cold air often causes chapping and cracking lips due to their thin nature. It works well even if you wear lip colors because it won't typically interfere with your color choice. Apply coconut oil before bed at night and again in the morning before applying lipstick (or any other type of makeup) for best results. This will help protect against dryness, chapping, cracking, and bleeding when using harsh products like petroleum jelly, which takes moisture out of skin instead of adding it back in.


Did you know that coconut oil also has antibacterial properties? That means it can be used to heal cuts and scrapes often faster than other types of skincare products. It's true. You'll want to make sure that the wound isn't too deep, however. Coconut oil should not be applied to life-threatening wounds like punctures or gunshot wounds because they could trap bacteria underneath, preventing it from healing properly while allowing infection to enter the body instead (which defeats the purpose). It works well on simple cuts, scrapes, and rashes by creating a barrier that can help protect against outside elements. Don't forget about this product during cold and flu season when viruses are being spread in the air around you because it can help protect against that as well.

Coconut oil is a great product to use on your skin because it moisturizes and softens, and protects. You can try using coconut oil as a natural sunscreen, and it's easy to find in grocery stores or online at an inexpensive price. So give these tips a shot and see how you like them.


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