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The Best Dog Breeds to Guard Your Home and Family

Qualities that make a particularly good guard dog include canine intellegence, the ability to do a variety of jobs, and a protective nature.

The Best Dog Breeds to Guard Your Home and Family

Dogs have been considered to be man's best friend for thousands of years. There are many reasons for this—they are generally smart, they can do a wide variety of jobs, and they are great at guarding. So what makes a good guard dog, particularly a family guard dog? Well, the dog needs to be good around children but must be tough looking and be prepared to defend you and your family. While most dogs are prepared to protect their families, not all of them exude a tough demeanor—Chihuahuas, for example, are happy to attack but don't usually have the right vibes for a typical guard dog. So consider these ten dog breeds that tend to make great family guard dogs.

Bull Mastiffs

Despite their tough exterior, Bull Mastiffs are incredibly sweet dogs that love spending time with people and children. They are usually more friendly to other people outside the family than the other dogs on this list, but their look is enough to put off most people from approaching them. They are high energy, loyal, and have terrifying barks.


Akitas are mountain dogs that originated from Japan. They look fairly similar to Huskies, but they are a lot bigger. Akitas are known for their possessiveness over their families and are often gifted to women who are going to be living on their own. They often become more attached to women than they do to men and they can be very protective over children.

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds are beautiful dogs, and many people are surprised to learn that they make such good guard dogs. But, as you will see, smart shepherding dogs make great guard dogs. They may not be the biggest breed of dog on this list, but they are fast and incredibly smart. Not much gets past them.

Appenzeller Sennenhund

Appenzeller Sennenhund is one of the four main Swiss Mountain breeds (the other three are Bernese Mountain, Entlebucher Mountain, and Greater Swiss Mountain dogs). These dogs are a bit smarter and possessive than the other three breeds. They love their family, and will happily get between them and any danger.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

If you want a big dog (and we mean enormous) then you may want to get yourself a Caucasian Shepherd dog. Even dog lovers would be a bit nervous to approach these dogs. Caucasian Shepherd dogs were originally bred to keep wolves and bears away from cattle, and they were also used as prison guard dogs in Russia. These dogs love spending time with their family and are typically excellent with children.

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers

You will notice that two of the most popular dog breeds (Labrador and Golden Retrievers) are not on this list. This is because both breeds are incredibly friendly and can easily be won over by treats. The Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, on the other hand, are much more loyal to their families and therefore make fantastic companions and guard dogs.

Doberman Pinscher

When you picture a guard dog, you probably picture a Doberman Pinscher. They are often used in films as guard dogs—this is not because they are particularly violent, it is more because they are very smart dogs and are easy to train. Doberman Pinschers love to please people and will fiercely protect the people in their families.


If you have never seen a Puli before, just picture the top of a mop with legs. These dogs are originally from Hungary and were bred to herd sheep and cattle. They are fast, agile, and very smart, as well as being incredibly loyal. They have been known to outsmart an intruder trying to break into a home.


Rottweilers have a reputation for being tough, but many people don't know that when they are with their pack (aka your family) they are incredibly sweet and loving. Among professionals, Rottweilers have a reputation for being great with children and are often referred to as nature's babysitters. It is not uncommon for them to dote on babies and toddlers.

German Shepards

If you want a smart, loyal, fierce, and clever dog, then a German Shepherd is going to be the perfect choice for you. We have given them the number one spot on this list because, as well as being great guard dogs, they make excellent companions and can also be used as assistant dogs. For more information, learn about DDR german shepherds.


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