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How Do Most Injuries Happen on Georgia Lakes?

Using a boat on a lake can be a lot of fun and a great way to spend time outside, but it is beneficial to be prepared should an accident occur.

How Do Most Injuries Happen on Georgia Lakes?

Owning a boat in the Atlanta area can be a very good idea. Those that live in this area will know that there are a lot of great local lakes and other waterways where they can use their boat for most of the year. While using a boat or spending time otherwise on a lake in the area can be a lot of fun and a great way to spend time outside, there is always a chance that an accident can happen. If there is an accident on a lake in Georgia, it could lead to personal injuries. Most injuries on Georgia lakes occur due to a few different causes.

Distracted Operator

One of the most common causes of an injury on a lake in Georgia is if the operator of the boat is distracted. Similar to when you are driving a car or other vehicle, you need to always ensure that you pay proper attention at all times. Unfortunately, a boat can have many features that can cause someone to be distracted. If someone is not paying proper attention when behind the wheel of the boat, they may not identify a variety of potential hazards. This then opens up the risk that they could cause an accident that results in an injury.

Faulty Equipment

Another common risk that could lead to injury is if there is faulty equipment. While boats are quite durable and can last for a long time, there is always a chance that something could go wrong that makes them less safe to drive. If your boat is not operating properly and the equipment is not working as well as it should, it can impact your ability to operate safely. In some cases, this could even result in an accident that causes injuries. Due to this, any boat owner always needs to make sure that they are taking the proper steps to have their boat serviced and maintained.

Inexperienced Boat Operator

Operating a boat can be a lot of fun and is something that many people are able to do well. However, it can take time for someone to get used to it. If you are not experienced using a boat, it can be hard to control it. This is particularly true when you are using the boat in crowded waters or trying to enter or leave a marina. Due to the lack of experience and skill, someone that is inexperienced as a boat owner will be more likely to cause an accident that can later lead to injuries.

Aggressive or Negligent Acts

Anyone that is going to use a boat will need to make sure that they are being cautious and safe. Unfortunately, not everyone follows this guidance, and some people may be too aggressive when they are operating a boat. This can include driving at high speeds, making wide turns, or simply making movements that are harder to predict for other boats in the area. While this can be fun, this style of aggressive operating is dangerous and puts people at risk. It is also a common cause for boat accidents today.

Alcohol Use

A lot of people will use their boats during the warm months of the year when they want to be outside and enjoying the company of family and friends. Along with this, it is common for anyone that is going to operate a boat to have some drinks throughout the day. While having a couple here and there and being conscious of your consumption and tolerance can be generally acceptable, drinking too much can greatly enhance the risk of using your boat. When you consume too many drinks and use a boat, your inhibitions will be lowered, and you will have a slower reaction time. Both of these side effects can make it harder for you to safely use a boat and will increase the chances that you cause an accident that leads to injuries.

Mistakes by People in Water

While a lot of injuries on a lake are caused by users of boats and other watercraft, they can also be due to the negligence of people in the water. It is important that you always use caution when swimming, diving, or jumping off a boat. This includes making sure that your presence is clearly visible and that you are not swimming in a situation that is too challenging based on your skill level. Those that are not cautious can increase the chances that they are involved in an accident that could result in serious injuries.

Reasons to Call an Attorney

If you are injured while you are on a lake in Georgia, it is important that you receive the care that you need. When you do receive care for your injuries, you can quickly find that there are a lot of costs that go along with it. This can include the costs of medical bills, therapy expenses, and even lost wages. To ensure that you receive the fair compensation that you are entitled to in these situations, calling Atlanta personal injury lawyers is a great option. Your attorney can provide a range of services to ensure you are properly represented and receive a fair outcome. The team with the Stoddard Firm is a great group to call and can offer you top consultation and other legal services.


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