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Fall in Love With Dressing up for Date Night

Couples who make an effort to get dressed up and go out tend to experience higher levels of closeness, satisfaction, and reward overall.

Fall in Love With Dressing up for Date Night

Far from being the reserve of single couples or married ones who can't get enough of PDA, date night is a statistically proven way to strengthen your relationship and well-being in general. In fact, a recent study from The University of Virginia found that the probability of divorce dropped by as much as 11% when couples made time for date nights regularly, with couples who dedicated time to each other at least once a week around 3.5 times more likely to report being very happy. So, the stats indicate that couples benefit greatly from making time for date nights wherever they can. The question is, when you're already exhausted, exactly how much effort do you need to dedicate to this cause? After all, while most couples know that a Netflix binge doesn't count in this regard, many wouldn't turn their noses up to an at-home date night in their comfies. Unfortunately, on the date night spectrum, the more effort you put in, the more likely you are to enjoy date night benefits. In fact, for couples who make an effort to get dressed up and go all out, date night certainly reaps higher levels of closeness, satisfaction, and reward overall. So consider a few of the reasons that taking the time to get dressed up, despite seeing your partner in their jogging bottoms all day, could soon take your date nights and general well-being to the next level.

1. A Breath of Fresh Air

The entire purpose of date night is to provide a much-needed breath of fresh air for couples who are run ragged with work, kids, or other commitments. Unfortunately, a PJ-clad takeout doesn't exactly scream 'break,' when, let's be frank, it's something you do regularly anyway. As well as generally keeping you in the stagnant headspace that date nights are supposed to free you from, this default back to the clothes that you wear every day especially increases the risks that you'll slip into your emails or get stuck doing laundry instead of actually spending this time together. By comparison, making an effort to get dressed up, even if your date night is taking place at home, forces you to step outside of that always-on mindset, allowing you to pause, breathe deeply, and finally dedicate the time that you should to your relationship.

2. Date Nights With Wow-Factor

Many people consider their partners to be the most attractive people in the world, even when they're covered in baby sick, cooking stains, and other signs of domestic mastery. But, when you see someone with stained clothes and messy hair every single day, it's natural that you stop feeling that 'can't stop' attraction and instead settle into complacency that could even see you failing to truly 'see' your partner altogether. As well as providing a chance to reconnect emotionally, date nights are therefore a prime opportunity for you and your partner to remember how attractive you can be to each other. At least, they are if you make the effort to dig out that makeup bag, wash that nice dress, and generally take a step back to the pristine appearance you probably once wouldn't have dreamed of letting your partner unsee.

3. A Chance for Self-Care

It's vital to note too that, while your partner should be your priority on date night, this is also your time, which is beneficial considering that taking this opportunity to get ready and dress up can also work wonders for your well-being. Whether you take a luxurious bubble bath (so you smell nice, of course ...) or spend this prep time researching what does a hair diffuser do to your hair, you're taking some unusual time out to look after yourself. And, that's got to be beneficial. This self-care shift isn't even a selfish way to approach date night when you consider that couples who are happier in themselves are also happier together. Not to mention that, rather more obviously, your partner will also enjoy the spoils of those deliberate efforts.

4. Widening Your Options

It's also worth noting that, when you get dressed up and make this effort, you significantly widen your date night net. Far from just having to head down to the local pub because you're not fit for much else, you'll then be able to enjoy a range of upscale activities that you most definitely wouldn't do in your everyday life. Whether that's heading to a luxury downtown restaurant, taking a trip to the theater, or even trying something like a wine tasting session, these options are precisely the removed date night vibes you should be aiming for to rejuvenate your love life. Not to mention that with so much to look forward to (and reservations in many instances), you'll be way less likely to back out or change your mind when date night comes around and you're feeling too tired to manage it.

5. Getting in the Right Mindset

Speaking of reducing your risks of cancellations or last-minute changes of plan, getting dressed up is also a fantastic way to get you in the right mindset for an engaging date that you're truly involved in. Even if you're feeling tired in your casual comfies after a long day with the kids, a simple half-hour get-ready routine to some feel-good music (played quietly, of course) can give a much-needed energy boost and get you looking forward to date night—even if it's felt like a consideration that you simply don't have the headspace for up until now.

We get it—dressing up for date night can feel like a lot of work, especially when you and your partner have spent the entire day together leading up to this moment. But trust us; that 3.5 times increased chance of happiness is worth the small effort that you'll put into this pursuit.


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