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Tips for Eating Healthier During the Work Day

With a few tweaks and suggestions, you can attain a healthy lifestyle which puts you on a path to better health and fitness.

Tips for Eating Healthier During the Work Day

Eating healthy does not have to be a chore. It is more of a lifestyle choice; and with some great tips and tricks, you can attain this lifestyle. You can be on a path to better health and fitness.

1. Planning Ahead

Already in the morning, we are often at the peak of activity. We get ready for the work day, organize the children, and get out of the house promptly for work. At best, some people drink coffee but don't always make a healthy breakfast. For that reason, it is advisable to spend a few minutes the night before planning for the next day. It is recommended to prepare a lunchbox of healthy foods the night before so that in the morning, you have time for breakfast —even if that is just a piece of fruit.

2. Stock Up on Food for the Whole Day

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber; and they help you feel full. They can be an addition to a meal but do not generally replace an entire meal because vegetables alone do not tend to be satisfactory over time. Things don't have to be bland, either. You can make a big mac in a bowl if you choose. You can also make a nutritious and healthy homemade sandwich instead of the sandwiches bought from shops. Afterall, fresh food is almost always healthier.

3. Do Not Be Tempted by Foods at Work

In many workplaces, there are cookies and high-fat pastries on the office counter. It may be Friday and a colleague may bring in some treats. Perhaps you even have a pizza day. This can be tempting and shouldn't be totally dismissed. But it should not be a regular occurrence. It is recommended to replace any sweet treats with tahini and veggies, a fruit salad, or handful of nuts. To add a sweet element, eat your nuts with some dates since they are rich in fiber and taste sweet.

4. Do Not Forget to Drink

When we are busy, we often forget to drink; and so it happens that sometimes we confuse a feeling of thirst with hunger and then eat even when we are not really hungry. This can happen especially in winter when we tend to feel less thirsty. However, in summer, our bodies crave water; so it is recommended to bring a bottle of water to work and sip on it regularly. Water helps stave off hunger and keeps you feeling less sluggish. Caffeine is great too, but water is particularly helpful. Adequate drinking (water), helps maintain weight, helps you feel alert, and increases concentration during the working day.

5. Combine Physical Activity During the Day

It's a good idea to maintain daily activities as much as possible. Park the car a little further than your office space, use the stairs at work, take regular walks in your lunch hour, and try to maintain fitness. This helps with weight stability and helps provide a feeling of being fit. You'll find you feel healthier and happier.


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