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How to Effectively Combine Plants and Interior Design

Live greenery brings a stimulating force to those in a home, helping to increase productivity, reduce stress, and stimulate creativity.

How to Effectively Combine Plants and Interior Design

Green plants are an essential detail in any home. They bring refreshment and are a stimulating force to those in the house, helping increase productivity, reduce stress and stimulate creativity. Indeed, they help make any environment more welcoming, relaxing, colorful and calming. Moreover, plants help clean the air. In fact, they can reduce the amount of CO2 by up to 50% and the amount of dust, mold, and other bacteria by up to 20%. To have beautiful green pets living on your windowsill, it is important to take care of them. The key is to water the plants if the substrate is dry and regularly remove any yellowed leaves or faded flowers. If your place is not exactly perfect for a usual plant, opt for varieties that are resistant to heat or lack of light and water. Give preference to plants like kentia, cacti, aloe vera, ivy or even pilea. Such green decorations also don't take up a lot of room if you know how to position them; and acquiring houseplants for your home is a nice idea that doesn't require a lot of investment. The single issue that often emerges in lack of space. Yes, it all revolves around the way you organize them and where you decide to install such compositions.

Generally, optimizing a space is crucial. It is not uncommon to see a large apartment that has been furnished improperly or has too much furniture. Before adding new furniture and plants to the decor, think about what is there to be improved; and free up room from anything bulky as this is quite important. Another mistake to avoid is putting too many decorative items along with your green friends. If your home has been previously organized, finding the best position for the plants would be much easier. Smart solutions that optimize the general look are preferred like hanging pots on walls or groups of shelves which can be creative solutions. Usually, people who live in small apartments choose to set up walls of plants and vertical storage solutions. Creating a green wall by yourself is not very difficult. Houseplants can really add a lot to the atmosphere and design of any place. The style of your home doesn't matter, plants look good everywhere. So don't clutter your room with unnecessary decorations, pick some houseplants and cute pots for them. No matter the room, green plants exist to embellish and refresh any environment. So consider some life hacks to help you creatively incorporate these green details into your interior.

1. Vertical Placement

If having lots of houseplants = you, and there is already a whole family of them living in your house, you can set up a large shelf and fill it with your green pets. The shelves are really the simplest and most economical option. You can find such solutions in offline stores or online catalogues, or you can create them on your own. Pallets made of wood are also great for a DIY construction of vertical gardens. The vertical garden can consist of flower pots hanging from the ceiling. You can do this setup yourself or simply buy ready-to-hang jars from a store. DIY storage solutions can be very cute; and in this way, you can create an object perfectly suited to the needs of the room.

2. Don't Be Afraid of Variety

To set up a super garden in your flat or house, don't neglect using a mix of shapes and shades for the flower pots. These details add cheer to your vertical green composition. When having an exceptionally large amount of green pets, a great solution is to group them in clusters of three, at several heights, as an addition to free-standing plants. Combining gives a unique and personalized decor. Concentrating all the plants in one place is a great way to give the impression of a pool of vegetation in your house.

3. Those Empty Corners

In any home, there always are typically empty nooks that need to be filled with decorative stuff. This is the perfect chance to set them up with houseplants. Begin with a large one, then place some more small and large ones. And if you want more variety, you can achieve that not only by using different pots, but by placing books beneath those pots, to add height to the small plants. This design idea looks very cute, fresh and a bit nerdy! If you also have a library room (or area), decorate it with green elements. As we have mentioned before, houseplants refresh the air, and also help with concentration.

4. It Is Not Always About the Numbers

If you're not really into acquiring many plants for decoration purposes, set up a small area of greenery. It is a good place to begin your journey from. Gradually, you will see that looking after those plants is not very difficult. Gardening is an enjoyable activity, and you can find everything you need in specialty stores or online.

5. Start With Unpretentious Buds

We recommend that you always begin your journey with easy-to-care species. Usually, those are succulents, but know they are not the only ones. To choose the right first plant, it is good to know whether your place is suitable for it. Additional plants to take a look at include the Chinese money plant, the oxalis, the Jade tree, the ZZ plant, the pearl necklace plant, the tillandsia and the sedum.

Now the fun part includes some decoration techniques for combining your plants with stylish and affordable furniture. The technique of decorating with plants that involves mixing colors and textures, but there are many others. If your space allows, you can install one large plant or tree in your home; but for this, you must have a sufficiently high ceiling. This minimalist decorating technique is perfect for those who just want a little green touch in their living or dining room. Place the plant or tree next to your window and make sure it has enough light and air. If the plant is at the beginning of its development, find out how many meters it will reach in order to be sure it matches the height of your space.

Another way to easily and tastefully decorate your interior is to opt for designer flower pots. The prices of these vary according to the creators, but it is quite possible to find some at affordable prices. But, if you like working with your hands and making things, you can create your own designer pots. To do this, use salvaged items such as glass jars, bottles, boxes, bowls and more. Urban gardening is really fun and easy. We have mentioned a ton of good reasons to integrate some houseplants in your living space so that you can set up your perfect green paradise right away.


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