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A Guide to Home Temperature Control

Consider these common mistakes that people often make along with tips and tricks that can be used to warm or cool your home.

A Guide to Home Temperature Control

Sometimes keeping your home at a comfortable temperature can be a chore. If you're struggling to control the temperature in your house, then consider these handy tips and tricks that you can use to stabilize your home temperature without putting a huge dent in your pocketbook. Ranging from tricks that can be used to warm or cool the home to a list of common mistakes that people make when warming their home, these tips should give you an idea of where you might be able to make some improvements. Appliances that vary in size price can help cool your home as well, and you can find specialized temperature equipment online at sites like Here are some tips on how to keep your home temperature warm and cool, all of which are relatively simple and can be put into practice immediately.

Use Insulation

Whether you want to keep your home cold or hot, insulation separates your interior space from the outside world. By doing this, you stabilize your home temperature to keep it enjoyable. Most heat loss or heat gain is through the windows of your home. Consider getting thick, insulating curtains that will block the heat from both sides. This keeps heat in while blocking the outside heat, resulting in a warmer or cooler home. PVC curtains, like the ones likely in your shower, can also be used to some effect in a pinch.

Restrict Airflow

If you live in an area with fluxuating weather, you likely notice that certain parts of the home warm faster than others. The airflow in your home is instrumental for changing the temperatures from room to room. Try to limit the airflow in your home by keeping windows and doors closed, including interior doors that will vent the airflow into your main rooms. Close off unused rooms so that heat isn't gathering and being wasted elsewhere. If things then get too warm for your liking, simply open the doors back up so the airflow can spread, lowering in temperature and so becoming cooler.

Maintain Appliances

Many electronics and similar appliances in the home give off heat when they're working. Whether it's your big-screen TV or something unassuming like your refrigerator, make sure all appliances have adequate spacing and are running on reduced settings. By doing this, you'll reduce operating costs and cool your home as a result. Swap light bulbs too, modern bulbs give off less heat. You can cut down on appliance heat by cooking outside, too. The kitchen is the main source of appliance-generated heat, so controlling your kitchen is key to keeping your home temperature calm.

Avoid the Wrong Temperature

This one may seem simple, but many people mindlessly crank up the thermostat and call it a day. A lot of these people will accidentally overheat their homes. This not only uses energy that could be spent elsewhere (and costs you money) but it's also uncomfortable. If your home heating system doesn't allow you to individually heat rooms, you can manage the temperature by tinkering with the radiators in each room. If rooms aren't being used, disable the heating there.

Don't Overuse the Heating

Many people overuse their heating system by warming rooms that aren't being used. If a room is empty, disable the heating for that room to save cash and energy. Similarly, if you're out of the home then disable the heating system altogether. If you don't want to return to a cold home, at least keep it down low. Energy waste is kept low if you have a programmable thermostat, keeping rooms efficiently heated.

Use Thermostat When Necessary

This is a simple but effective tip for those who are battling the cold. If you're feeling cold, try wearing extra layers of clothing or wrapping up in a blanket or a sheet. This should keep you warm sometimes, saving you money and power since you don't need to activate the thermostat now. Take the same preemptive approach when you're warm too by wearing cooling clothes, enjoying cold foods, and avoiding physically strenuous activities. You can even keep stores of ice water around that you can rub onto your face and neck.


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